3 research outputs found

    Understanding Phase Transitions via Mutual Information and MMSE

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    The ability to understand and solve high-dimensional inference problems is essential for modern data science. This article examines high-dimensional inference problems through the lens of information theory and focuses on the standard linear model as a canonical example that is both rich enough to be practically useful and simple enough to be studied rigorously. In particular, this model can exhibit phase transitions where an arbitrarily small change in the model parameters can induce large changes in the quality of estimates. For this model, the performance of optimal inference can be studied using the replica method from statistical physics but, until recently, it was not known if the resulting formulas were actually correct. In this chapter, we present a tutorial description of the standard linear model and its connection to information theory. We also describe the replica prediction for this model and outline the authors' recent proof that it is exact

    Information-theoretic limits of a multiview low-rank symmetric spiked matrix model

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    We consider a generalization of an important class of high-dimensional inference problems, namely spiked symmetric matrix models, often used as probabilistic models for principal component analysis. Such paradigmatic models have recently attracted a lot of attention from a number of communities due to their phenomenological richness with statistical-to-computational gaps, while remaining tractable. We rigorously establish the information-theoretic limits through the proof of single-letter formulas for the mutual information and minimum mean-square error. On a technical side we improve the recently introduced adaptive interpolation method, so that it can be used to study low-rank models (i.e., estimation problems of "tall matrices") in full generality, an important step towards the rigorous analysis of more complicated inference and learning models.Comment: Presented at the 2020 International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT

    Information-Theoretic Limits for the Matrix Tensor Product

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    This paper studies a high-dimensional inference problem involving the matrix tensor product of random matrices. This problem generalizes a number of contemporary data science problems including the spiked matrix models used in sparse principal component analysis and covariance estimation and the stochastic block model used in network analysis. The main results are single-letter formulas (i.e., analytical expressions that can be approximated numerically) for the mutual information and the minimum mean-squared error (MMSE) in the Bayes optimal setting where the distributions of all random quantities are known. We provide non-asymptotic bounds and show that our formulas describe exactly the leading order terms in the mutual information and MMSE in the high-dimensional regime where the number of rows nn and number of columns dd scale with d=O(nα)d = O(n^\alpha) for some α<1/20\alpha < 1/20. On the technical side, this paper introduces some new techniques for the analysis of high-dimensional matrix-valued signals. Specific contributions include a novel extension of the adaptive interpolation method that uses order-preserving positive semidefinite interpolation paths, and a variance inequality between the overlap and the free energy that is based on continuous-time I-MMSE relations