4 research outputs found

    On the use of SIFT features for face authentication

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    Several pattern recognition and classification techniques have been applied to the biometrics domain. Among them, an interesting technique is the Scale Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT), originally devised for object recognition. Even if SIFT features have emerged as a very powerful image descriptors, their employment in face analysis context has never been systematically investigated. This paper investigates the application of the SIFT approach in the context of face authentication. In order to determine the real potential and applicability of the method, different matching schemes are proposed and tested using the BANCA database and protocol, showing promising results

    Protecting the infrastructure: 3rd Australian information warfare & security conference 2002

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    The conference is hosted by the We-B Centre (working with a-business) in the School of Management Information System, the School of Computer & Information Sciences at Edith Cowan University. This year\u27s conference is being held at the Sheraton Perth Hotel in Adelaide Terrace, Perth. Papers for this conference have been written by a wide range of academics and industry specialists. We have attracted participation from both national and international authors and organisations. The papers cover many topics, all within the field of information warfare and its applications, now and into the future. The papers have been grouped into six streams: • Networks • IWAR Strategy • Security • Risk Management • Social/Education • Infrastructur

    E-crimes and e-authentication - a legal perspective

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    E-crimes continue to generate grave challenges to the ICT regulatory agenda. Because e-crimes involve a wrongful appropriation of information online, it is enquired whether information is property which is capable of being stolen. This then requires an investigation to be made of the law of property. The basis for this scrutiny is to establish if information is property for purposes of the law. Following a study of the Roman-Dutch law approach to property, it is argued that the emergence of an information society makes real rights in information possible. This is the position because information is one of the indispensable assets of an information society. Given the fact that information can be the object of property, its position in the law of theft is investigated. This study is followed by an examination of the conventional risks that ICTs generate. For example, a risk exists that ICTs may be used as the object of e-crimes. Furthermore, there is a risk that ICTs may become a tool in order to appropriate information unlawfully. Accordingly, the scale and impact of e-crimes is more than those of the offline crimes, for example theft or fraud. The severe challenges that ICTs pose to an information society are likely to continue if clarity is not sought regarding: whether ICTs can be regulated or not, if ICTs can be regulated, how should an ICT regulatory framework be structured? A study of the law and regulation for regulatory purposes reveals that ICTs are spheres where regulations apply or should apply. However, better regulations are appropriate in dealing with the dynamics of these technologies. Smart-regulations, meta-regulations or reflexive regulations, self-regulations and co-regulations are concepts that support better regulations. Better regulations enjoin the regulatory industries, for example the state, businesses and computer users to be involved in establishing ICT regulations. These ICT regulations should specifically be in keeping with the existing e-authentication measures. Furthermore, the codes-based theory, the Danger or Artificial Immune Systems (the AIS) theory, the Systems theory and the Good Regulator Theorem ought to inform ICT regulations. The basis for all this should be to establish a holistic approach to e-authentication. This approach must conform to the Precautionary Approach to E-Authentication or PAEA. PAEA accepts the importance of legal rules in the ICT regulatory agenda. However, it argues that flexible regulations could provide a suitable framework within which ICTs and the ICT risks are controlled. In addition, PAEA submit that a state should not be the single role-player in ICT regulations. Social norms, the market and nature or architecture of the technology to be regulated are also fundamental to the ICT regulatory agenda.JurisprudenceLL. D

    Understanding iconic image-based face biometrics

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    In the last decade, many recognition and authentication systems based on biometric mesaurements have been proposed. Still algorithms based on face images are quite appealing for the possibility to easy adapt and taylor a system to many application domains. A system for personal identity verification and also recognition is presented. The core engine is a standard correlation-based matcher performed on iconic representations of face images. Two data sets are used to validate the performances of the whole system (from data acquisition to recognition): the former is a standard “academic” database (with known acquisition parameters) similar to the FERET image set, the latter is an “industrial” data set acquired in a real application scenario. Through standard statistical tests of the recognition results obtained from the two data sets the actual physical limits of the pattern matcher are clearly shown. Successively also other aspects are taken into account, related to the feature space, allowing to greatly improve the system performance reaching almost 100% correct recognition. Several hints for the development of new techniques for identity verification are also suggested