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    Although the audience in the digital media space has more power than in the traditional media environment, as indicated by their ability to create, reshape and share content, media users’ behavior is shaped by the use of algorithms and big data management. Taking into consideration the fact that students use the internet and social media platforms daily, this paper aims to examine their perceptions and viewpoints on the operation of algorithms and data management on the Internet. According to a survey conducted by the authors, which consists of 200 respondents, two-thirds of students notice the results of the algorithmic personalization, filtered selection of content and news, and the customized display of content on social media.  Even though 70% of them realize that user activities are continually monitored and that control over personal data online is taken over by large companies and/or a third party, most respondents express only moderate concern for their data online (82%), which further confirms the fact that only a small percentage of students (18%) almost always read the terms of use on a website, application, or internet service. Keywords: social media, big data, algorithms, student