4 research outputs found

    Computer-based informated environments : emergent forms of work organisation

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    This research formulates the concept of a Computer-Based Informated Environment (CBIE) as an emergent anthropocentric form of work organisation; this is a computerised office environment which informates and empowers lower level employees. The study attempts to enhance our knowledge over the nature of CBIEs. It hypothesizes that with the current interest in IT-enabled empowerment there are more opportunities for the development of CBIEs. A missing element on studies in informated and empowered workplaces is employees' interpretation of these forms of work organisation. A review of the literature on information technology (IT) in organisations supports the view that there is a need for further research on the meaning of technological and organisational changes. This study attempts to cover this gap while also making a contribution in the field of anthropocentric uses of IT in office environments. A structurational framework is developed to uncover the process and context of change and the linkages between the two. Considering the research topic, the case study approach was adopted. Three service-oriented organisations participated in the research. All three had within the last few years introduced the system ImagePlus which is promoted for its potential to empower employees. There have been two important findings about the nature of CBIEs. Firstly, it is found that the process and context of CBIEs should not be treated as mutually independent but as inextricably linked. Secondly, it is identified that CBIEs could occur without being anthropocentric-oriented. Informated employees are not necessarily truly empowered. When the 'empowerment' approach is diffused via IT, it is likely to be in forms that align more with managerial and organisational interests than those of employees. Using structuration theory, the complex dynamics of the use of IT in organisations become evident. The study argues that the 'determinism' and 'choice' perspectives need to be linked for each has a vital role to play in enhancing our understanding of the use of IT in organisations

    Investigating the effects of power relations on the implementation of Enterprise Resource Planning through the lens of Actor Network Theory : the case of MESAIR

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    The aim of this research was to investigate the effects of power relations on the implementation of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) in an organisation in Saudi Arabia. The researcher adopted a qualitative, interpretive research perspective using a single explanatory case study paradigm, which was generalised to a concept. As one of the objectives of this research was to analyse the case study by using Foucault’s analysis of power embedded within Actor Network Theory (ANT), the concept of ANT-Foucault was developed. This concept could provide valuable insights for the body of knowledge by proposing an alternative way of analysing IS and ERP implementation projects in organisations. Although, the outcome of the research was limited to deploying a single case of an ERP implementation project in an organisation in Saudi Arabia to investigate the effects of power relations on the ERP implementation project under study, the researcher believes that the ANT-Foucault concept is capable of being adopted into other ERP implementation projects provided that careful consideration of the context is taken. Future research could be aimed at further examining the application of such concept with a view of developing a new theoretical framework. Such framework would be capable of assisting IT project managers to follow and analyse the manoeuvres of power during the course of IS or ERP projects