2 research outputs found

    Interactive, Effort-Aware Library Version Harmonization

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    As a mixed result of intensive dependency on third-party libraries, flexible mechanism to declare dependencies, and increased number of modules in a project, multiple versions of the same third-party library are directly depended in different modules of a project. Such library version inconsistencies can increase dependency maintenance cost, or even lead to dependency conflicts when modules are inter-dependent. Although automated build tools (e.g., Maven's enforcer plugin) provide partial support to detect library version inconsistencies, they do not provide any support to harmonize inconsistent library versions. We first conduct a survey with 131 Java developers from GitHub to retrieve first-hand information about the root causes, detection methods, reasons for fixing or not fixing, fixing strategies, fixing efforts, and tool expectations on library version inconsistencies. Then, based on the insights from our survey, we propose LibHarmo, an interactive, effort-aware library version harmonization technique, to detect library version inconsistencies, interactively suggest a harmonized version with the least harmonization efforts based on library API usage analysis, and refactor build configuration files. LibHarmo is currently developed for Java Maven projects. Our experimental study on 443 highly-starred Java Maven projects from GitHub indicates that i) LibHarmo identifies 621 library version inconsistencies covering 152 (34.3%) of projects, and ii) the average harmonization efforts are that 1 and 12 library API calls are affected, respectively due to the deleted and changed library APIs in the harmonized version. 5 library version inconsistencies have been confirmed, and 1 of them has been already harmonized by developers

    An Empirical Study of Usages, Updates and Risks of Third-Party Libraries in Java Projects

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    Third-party libraries are a central building block to develop software systems. However, outdated third-party libraries are commonly used, and developers are usually less aware of the potential risks. Therefore, a quantitative and holistic study on usages, updates and risks of third-party libraries can provide practical insights to improve the ecosystem sustainably. In this paper, we conduct such a study in the Java ecosystem. Specifically, we conduct a library usage analysis (e.g., usage intensity and outdatedness) and a library update analysis (e.g., update intensity and delay) using 806 open-source projects. The two analyses aim to quantify usage and update practices holistically from the perspective of both open-source projects and third-party libraries. Then, we conduct a library risk analysis (e.g., potential risk and developer response) in terms of bugs with 15 popularly-used third-party libraries. This analysis aims to quantify the potential risk of using outdated libraries and the developer response to the risk. Our findings from the three analyses provide practical insights to developers and researchers on problems and potential solutions in maintaining third-party libraries (e.g., smart alerting and automated updating of outdated libraries). To demonstrate the usefulness of our findings, we propose a bug-driven alerting system for assisting developers to make confident decisions in updating third-party library versions. We have released our dataset to foster valuable applications and improve the ecosystem