2,580 research outputs found

    On Verifying Causal Consistency

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    Causal consistency is one of the most adopted consistency criteria for distributed implementations of data structures. It ensures that operations are executed at all sites according to their causal precedence. We address the issue of verifying automatically whether the executions of an implementation of a data structure are causally consistent. We consider two problems: (1) checking whether one single execution is causally consistent, which is relevant for developing testing and bug finding algorithms, and (2) verifying whether all the executions of an implementation are causally consistent. We show that the first problem is NP-complete. This holds even for the read-write memory abstraction, which is a building block of many modern distributed systems. Indeed, such systems often store data in key-value stores, which are instances of the read-write memory abstraction. Moreover, we prove that, surprisingly, the second problem is undecidable, and again this holds even for the read-write memory abstraction. However, we show that for the read-write memory abstraction, these negative results can be circumvented if the implementations are data independent, i.e., their behaviors do not depend on the data values that are written or read at each moment, which is a realistic assumption.Comment: extended version of POPL 201

    (Un)Decidability Results for Word Equations with Length and Regular Expression Constraints

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    We prove several decidability and undecidability results for the satisfiability and validity problems for languages that can express solutions to word equations with length constraints. The atomic formulas over this language are equality over string terms (word equations), linear inequality over the length function (length constraints), and membership in regular sets. These questions are important in logic, program analysis, and formal verification. Variants of these questions have been studied for many decades by mathematicians. More recently, practical satisfiability procedures (aka SMT solvers) for these formulas have become increasingly important in the context of security analysis for string-manipulating programs such as web applications. We prove three main theorems. First, we give a new proof of undecidability for the validity problem for the set of sentences written as a forall-exists quantifier alternation applied to positive word equations. A corollary of this undecidability result is that this set is undecidable even with sentences with at most two occurrences of a string variable. Second, we consider Boolean combinations of quantifier-free formulas constructed out of word equations and length constraints. We show that if word equations can be converted to a solved form, a form relevant in practice, then the satisfiability problem for Boolean combinations of word equations and length constraints is decidable. Third, we show that the satisfiability problem for quantifier-free formulas over word equations in regular solved form, length constraints, and the membership predicate over regular expressions is also decidable.Comment: Invited Paper at ADDCT Workshop 2013 (co-located with CADE 2013

    Model Checking Synchronized Products of Infinite Transition Systems

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    Formal verification using the model checking paradigm has to deal with two aspects: The system models are structured, often as products of components, and the specification logic has to be expressive enough to allow the formalization of reachability properties. The present paper is a study on what can be achieved for infinite transition systems under these premises. As models we consider products of infinite transition systems with different synchronization constraints. We introduce finitely synchronized transition systems, i.e. product systems which contain only finitely many (parameterized) synchronized transitions, and show that the decidability of FO(R), first-order logic extended by reachability predicates, of the product system can be reduced to the decidability of FO(R) of the components. This result is optimal in the following sense: (1) If we allow semifinite synchronization, i.e. just in one component infinitely many transitions are synchronized, the FO(R)-theory of the product system is in general undecidable. (2) We cannot extend the expressive power of the logic under consideration. Already a weak extension of first-order logic with transitive closure, where we restrict the transitive closure operators to arity one and nesting depth two, is undecidable for an asynchronous (and hence finitely synchronized) product, namely for the infinite grid.Comment: 18 page

    Trees over Infinite Structures and Path Logics with Synchronization

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    We provide decidability and undecidability results on the model-checking problem for infinite tree structures. These tree structures are built from sequences of elements of infinite relational structures. More precisely, we deal with the tree iteration of a relational structure M in the sense of Shelah-Stupp. In contrast to classical results where model-checking is shown decidable for MSO-logic, we show decidability of the tree model-checking problem for logics that allow only path quantifiers and chain quantifiers (where chains are subsets of paths), as they appear in branching time logics; however, at the same time the tree is enriched by the equal-level relation (which holds between vertices u, v if they are on the same tree level). We separate cleanly the tree logic from the logic used for expressing properties of the underlying structure M. We illustrate the scope of the decidability results by showing that two slight extensions of the framework lead to undecidability. In particular, this applies to the (stronger) tree iteration in the sense of Muchnik-Walukiewicz.Comment: In Proceedings INFINITY 2011, arXiv:1111.267

    Qualitative Analysis of Partially-observable Markov Decision Processes

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    We study observation-based strategies for partially-observable Markov decision processes (POMDPs) with omega-regular objectives. An observation-based strategy relies on partial information about the history of a play, namely, on the past sequence of observations. We consider the qualitative analysis problem: given a POMDP with an omega-regular objective, whether there is an observation-based strategy to achieve the objective with probability~1 (almost-sure winning), or with positive probability (positive winning). Our main results are twofold. First, we present a complete picture of the computational complexity of the qualitative analysis of POMDP s with parity objectives (a canonical form to express omega-regular objectives) and its subclasses. Our contribution consists in establishing several upper and lower bounds that were not known in literature. Second, we present optimal bounds (matching upper and lower bounds) on the memory required by pure and randomized observation-based strategies for the qualitative analysis of POMDP s with parity objectives and its subclasses

    Verifying nondeterministic probabilistic channel systems against ω\omega-regular linear-time properties

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    Lossy channel systems (LCSs) are systems of finite state automata that communicate via unreliable unbounded fifo channels. In order to circumvent the undecidability of model checking for nondeterministic LCSs, probabilistic models have been introduced, where it can be decided whether a linear-time property holds almost surely. However, such fully probabilistic systems are not a faithful model of nondeterministic protocols. We study a hybrid model for LCSs where losses of messages are seen as faults occurring with some given probability, and where the internal behavior of the system remains nondeterministic. Thus the semantics is in terms of infinite-state Markov decision processes. The purpose of this article is to discuss the decidability of linear-time properties formalized by formulas of linear temporal logic (LTL). Our focus is on the qualitative setting where one asks, e.g., whether a LTL-formula holds almost surely or with zero probability (in case the formula describes the bad behaviors). Surprisingly, it turns out that -- in contrast to finite-state Markov decision processes -- the satisfaction relation for LTL formulas depends on the chosen type of schedulers that resolve the nondeterminism. While all variants of the qualitative LTL model checking problem for the full class of history-dependent schedulers are undecidable, the same questions for finite-memory scheduler can be solved algorithmically. However, the restriction to reachability properties and special kinds of recurrent reachability properties yields decidable verification problems for the full class of schedulers, which -- for this restricted class of properties -- are as powerful as finite-memory schedulers, or even a subclass of them.Comment: 39 page
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