3 research outputs found

    Neutrality May Matter: Sentiment Analysis in Reviews of Airbnb, Booking, and Couchsurfing in Brazil and USA

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    Information and communications technologies have enabled the rise of the phenomenon named sharing economy, which represents activities between people, coordinated by online platforms, to obtain, provide, or share access to goods and services. In hosting services of the sharing economy, it is common to have a personal contact between the host and guest, and this may affect users' decision to do negative reviews, as negative reviews can damage the offered services. To evaluate this issue, we collected reviews from two sharing economy platforms, Airbnb and Couchsurfing, and from one platform that works mostly with hotels (traditional economy), Booking.com, for some cities in Brazil and the USA. Trough a sentiment analysis, we found that reviews in the sharing economy tend to be considerably more positive than those in the traditional economy. This can represent a problem in those systems, as an experiment with volunteers performed in this study suggests. In addition, we discuss how to exploit the results obtained to help improve users' decision making

    Towards Business Partnership Recommendation Using User Opinion on Facebook

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    The identification of strategic business partnerships can potentially provide competitive advantages for businesses; however, due to the dynamics and uncertainty present in business environments, this task could be challenging. To help businesses in this task, this study presents a similarity model between businesses that consider the opinions of users on content shared by businesses on social media. Thus, this model captures significant virtual relationships among businesses that are generated by users in the virtual world. Besides, we propose an algorithm for detecting business communities in the considered model. We also propose an algorithm to identify possible business outliers in the detected communities, which could represent an automatic way to identify non-obvious relations that might deserve particular attention of business owners. By exploring approximately 280 million user reactions on Facebook, we show that our results could favor the development of, for example, a new strategic business partnership recommendation service

    Computa\c{c}\~ao Urbana da Teoria \`a Pr\'atica: Fundamentos, Aplica\c{c}\~oes e Desafios

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    The growing of cities has resulted in innumerable technical and managerial challenges for public administrators such as energy consumption, pollution, urban mobility and even supervision of private and public spaces in an appropriate way. Urban Computing emerges as a promising paradigm to solve such challenges, through the extraction of knowledge, from a large amount of heterogeneous data existing in urban space. Moreover, Urban Computing correlates urban sensing, data management, and analysis to provide services that have the potential to improve the quality of life of the citizens of large urban centers. Consider this context, this chapter aims to present the fundamentals of Urban Computing and the steps necessary to develop an application in this area. To achieve this goal, the following questions will be investigated, namely: (i) What are the main research problems of Urban Computing?; (ii) What are the technological challenges for the implementation of services in Urban Computing?; (iii) What are the main methodologies used for the development of services in Urban Computing?; and (iv) What are the representative applications in this field?Comment: in Portuguese. Simp\'osio Brasileiro de Redes de Computadores e Sistemas Distribu\'idos (SBRC) 2019 - Minicurso