2 research outputs found

    Uncomputability Below the Real Halting Problem

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    Most of the existing work in real number computation theory concentrates on complexity issues rather than computability aspects. Though some natural problems like deciding membership in the Mandelbrot set or in the set of rational numbers are known to be undecidable in the Blum-Shub-Smale (BSS) model of computation over the reals, there has not been much work on different degrees of undecidability. A typical question into this direction is the real version of Post’s classical problem: Are there some explicit undecidable problems below the real Halting Problem? In this paper we study three different topics related to such questions: First an extension of a positive answer to Post’s problem to the linear setting. We then analyze how additional real constants increase the power of a BSS machine. And finally a real variant of the classical word problem for groups is presented which we establish reducible to and from (that is, complete for) the BSS Halting problem