146 research outputs found

    A dual-mode Ultra-Wideband wireless platform for remote patient monitoring systems

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    The combination of two factors demands the need to find a solution that guarantees the well-being of the people suffering from chronic diseases. On the one hand, the increase of the life expectancy leads to an older world's population. On the other hand, the aged are more likely to suffer from chronic diseases and/or injuries. This thesis deals with the design of an Ultra-Wideband-based node of a Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM) network. This node must be able to measure, collect and transmit some medical parameters of a patient. Existing RPM networks use two different hardware platforms: one for measuring and another one for transmitting. This leads to high cost and high power consumption. Since a RPM network is typically composed by hundreds or thousands of nodes, a new platform with lower cost and power consumption is vital to make such a system work. This thesis explores the viability to achieve the dual-mode operation: Radar Mode (RM) to obtain a certain parameter and Data Transmission Mode (DTM) to send it to another node. A platform using Impulse-Radio Ultra-Wideband (IR-UWB) has been proposed to accomplish this goal. The simulations done verified its feasibility. Moreover, the physical experiments carried out validated the transmitter. Nevertheless, due to time and hardware limitations, the receiver has not been experimentally validated yet

    In-Soil Measuring of Sugar Beet Yield Using UWB Radar Sensor System

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    Yield mapping is a basic entity of the Precision Farming concept and provides crucial information about the success of cultivation. Several approaches to site-specific yield recording during the sugar beet harvest are known. Most of them are based on the weighing of sugar beets together with soil tare. Another real-time yield mapping approach with the option of plant population counting is based on estimating the mass of individual sugar beets on the basis of their maximal diameter. The main goal of the research was to develop and evaluate a yield recording procedure based on radar technology, which will provide non-invasive in-soil detection and identification of single sugar beets in order to enable the counting of individual sugar beets and determining of the single sugar beet root mass. Further goals were to enhance the radar technology for other applications in the agriculture, as a general goal, and to define applicability restrictions of practical utilisation of the system for the sugar beet and similar crops. The research activities have been divided into laboratory and field experiments. The results of the laboratory experiments have provided valuable information about the measuring system’s behaviour, which enabled the successful field measurements. The used method allowed the identification and detection of 90% to 96% of sugar beets under test in the various field conditions, with correlation coefficients between real sugar beet positions and detected positions of about 99%, and average positioning error from 1,1 to 3,6 cm. The correlation coefficients between single sugar beet root masses and recorded reflected energy amounts were for the majority of tests over 70%, and the best results have been on the level close to 90%. This project was a joint venture of the Institute for Agricultural Engineering from Bonn and the Technical University of Ilmenau.Teilflächenspezifische Ertragsmessung von Zuckerrüben im Boden mittels UWB Radarsensorsystem Die Ertragskartierung ist ein wesentlicher Bestandteil des Konzeptes „Precision Farming“. Die Erntemasse von Kulturpflanzen ist für den Landwirt eine elementare Information über den Erfolg pflanzbaulicher Maßnahmen. Es sind mehrere Verfahren zur Ertragsermittlung von Zuckerrüben während der Ernte mit dem Bezug auf Teilflächen bekannt. Ein sensorischer Ansatz besteht in der Pflanzenzählung und Ermittlung der Masse der einzelnen Zuckerrüben über den maximalen Durchmesser. Das Hauptziel dieser Forschungsarbeiten war die Entwicklung und Bewertung eines berührungslosen Ertragserfassungssystems für Zuckerrüben, das teilflächenbasiert eine Zählung und Massebestimmung der Einzelrüben ermöglicht. Die weiteren Ziele bestanden in der Weiterentwicklung der Radartechnologie für andere Einsatzgebiete der Landwirtschaft und in der Bestimmung der Anwendbarkeitsgrenzen des Systems für Zuckerrüben und ähnliche Wurzelfrüchte. Die Forschungsaktivitäten fanden im Labor und unter Feldbedingungen auf Versuchsparzellen eines typischen Zuckerrübenstandortes statt. Die Ergebnisse unter Laborbedingungen lieferten wertvolle Informationen, die erfolgreiche Feldmessungen ermöglicht haben. Die angewendete Methode hat in unterschiedlichen Messbedingungen eine 90% bis 96% erfolgreiche Zuckerrübenidentifikation ermöglicht, mit Korrelationskoeffizienten zwischen tatsächlichen und detektierten Zuckerrübenpositionen von um 99% und einem durchschnittlichen Positionierungsfehler von 1,1 bis 3,6 cm. Die Korrelationskoeffizienten zwischen der Einzelrübenmasse und der gemessenen reflektierten Energiemenge lagen im Bereich von über 70% und die besten Ergebnisse erreichten Werte von 90%. Das Projekt wurde in der Zusammenarbeit des Instituts für Landtechnik Bonn und des Instituts für Kommunikations- und Messtechnik der Technischen Universität Ilmenau durchgeführt

    Body Matched Antennas for Microwave Medical Applications

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    In this work, new concepts of body-matched antennas for microwave medical applications were developed, where the antennas are placed directly on or in the human body. Two types of antennas were designed - on-body matched antennas for diagnosis and implantable antennas for data telemetry with the main focus of miniaturization yet maintained a high radiation performance. The applicability of the antennas was verified using a medical imaging system for the detection of hemorrhagic stroke

    Radar Technology

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    In this book “Radar Technology”, the chapters are divided into four main topic areas: Topic area 1: “Radar Systems” consists of chapters which treat whole radar systems, environment and target functional chain. Topic area 2: “Radar Applications” shows various applications of radar systems, including meteorological radars, ground penetrating radars and glaciology. Topic area 3: “Radar Functional Chain and Signal Processing” describes several aspects of the radar signal processing. From parameter extraction, target detection over tracking and classification technologies. Topic area 4: “Radar Subsystems and Components” consists of design technology of radar subsystem components like antenna design or waveform design

    Étude d'un réseau de capteur UWB pour la localisation et la communication dans un environnement minier

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    Le jour n'est peut-être pas très loin où une mine pourra compter sur un système de communication sans fil pour échanger des données, transmettre des informations ou localiser des travailleurs dans le cas d'une activité normale ou en cas d'urgence. Au point de vue de la sécurité, un système de communications sans fil aurait l'avantage de localiser en temps réel un travailleur ou un engin. Les travailleurs se déplacent sans cesse dans une mine. Avec une technologie sans fil permanente, on pourrait localiser les personnes de manière relativement précise. Même en cas d'éboulement, avec une technologie adaptée, il serait possible de savoir où se trouve la personne en détresse. Notre travail de recherche s'inscrit dans la perspective du développement d'un réseau de capteurs ultra large bande (UWB) pour deux applications : l'aide à la radiolocalisation et l'extension du réseau de capteurs sans fil dans la mine. Cette étude est focalisée sur trois aspects. La première partie de notre étude consiste à étudier tous les problèmes reliés à la radiolocalisation dans la mine. Vue l'importance de cette application, nous avons mis en oeuvre un réseau de capteurs en tenant compte d'un futur déploiement dans la mine. La technologie utilisée repose sur la technologie ultra large bande. Comme il n'existe pas de travaux qui traitent ce genre de problèmes, nous avons commencé notre étude par une caractérisation du canal UWB dans les mines souterraines. Pour atteindre ces objectifs, plusieurs campagnes de mesure sur site (mine expérimentale) ont été menées. Nous sommes parvenus à une modélisation du canal de propagation et à avancer des recommandations pour aider au dimensionnement d'un réseau de capteurs dans ce type d'environnement. Dans la première partie, le but est d'étudier le problème de radiolocalisation avec les réseaux de capteurs. Notre scénario proposé serait de placer des capteurs sur chaque agent (mineur, engin). On suppose que chaque noeud (agent) qui circule à travers un réseau d'ancre maillé (déjà déployé), va extraire des informations de distance (en utilisant le critère de temps d'arrivée), ensuite il va utiliser un algorithme de positionnement distribué afin de déterminer sa propre position. Lors de cette partie nous avons aussi étudié quelques estimateurs cohérents et non-cohérents du temps d'arrivée. La caractérisation de l'erreur de mesure utilisant le temps d'arrivée dans un environnement minier a été aussi évaluée. Enfin, dans la dernière partie, nous avons analysé par simulations un déploiement d'un réseau de capteurs UWB ad hoc dans la mine. Nous avons choisi d'adopter une approche théorique afin d'évaluer les performances de cette configuration. Une conception intercouche pour un routage optimal a été étudiée. Nous avons utilisé la couche physique/réseau afin de minimiser l'énergie consommée lors de l'acheminement du données

    Project OASIS: The Design of a Signal Detector for the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence

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    An 8 million channel spectrum analyzer (MCSA) was designed the meet to meet the needs of a SETI program. The MCSA puts out a very large data base at very high rates. The development of a device which follows the MCSA, is presented

    Gigahertz Bandwidth and Nanosecond Timescales: New Frontiers in Radio Astronomy Through Peak Performance Signal Processing

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    Abstract In the past decade, there has been a revolution in radio-astronomy signal processing. High bandwidth receivers coupled with fast ADCs have enabled the collection of tremendous instantaneous bandwidth, but streaming computational resources are struggling to catch up and serve these new capabilities. As a consequence, there is a need for novel signal processing algorithms capable of maximizing these resources. This thesis responds to the demand by presenting FPGA implementations of a Polyphase Filter Bank which are an order of magnitude more efficient than previous algorithms while exhibiting similar noise performance. These algorithms are showcased together alongside a broadband RF front-end in Starburst: a 5 GHz instantaneous bandwidth two-element interferometer, the first broadband digital sideband separating astronomical interferometer.  Starburst technology has been applied to three instruments to date. Abstract Wielding tremendous computational power and precisely calibrated hardware, low frequency radio telescope arrays have potential greatly exceeding their current applications.  This thesis presents new modes for low frequency radio-telescopes, dramatically extending their original capabilities.  A microsecond-scale time/frequency mode empowered the Owens Valley Long Wavelength Array to inspect not just the radio sky by enabling the testing of novel imaging techniques and detecting overhead beacon satellites, but also the terrestrial neighborhood, allowing for the characterization and mitigation of nearby sources of radio frequency interference (RFI).  This characterization led to insights prompting a nanosecond-scale observing mode to be developed, opening new avenues in high energy astrophysics, specifically related to the radio frequency detection of ultra-high energy cosmic rays and neutrinos. Abstract Measurement of the flux spectrum, composition, and origin of the highest energy cosmic ray events is a lofty goal in high energy astrophysics. One of the most powerful new windows has been the detection of associated extensive air showers at radio frequencies. However, all current ground-based systems must trigger off an expensive and insensitive external source such as particle detectors - making detection of the rare, high energy events uneconomical.  Attempts to make a direct detection in radio-only data have been unsuccessful despite numerous efforts. The problem is even more severe in the case of radio detection of ultra-high energy neutrino events, which cannot rely on in-situ particle detectors as a triggering mechanism. This thesis combines the aforementioned nanosecond-scale observing mode with real-time, on-FPGA RFI mitigation and sophisticated offline post-processing.  The resulting system has produced the first successful ground based detection of cosmic rays using only radio instruments. Design and measurements of cosmic ray detections are discussed, as well as recommendations for future cosmic ray experiments.  The presented future designs allow for another order of magnitude improvement in both sensitivity and output data-rate, paving the way for the economical ground-based detection of the highest energy neutrinos.</p

    Dual-modality thermoacoustic and photoacoustic imaging

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    Diagnosis of early breast cancer is the key to survival. The combined contrasts from thermoacoustic and photoacoustic tomography: TAT and PAT) can potentially predict early stage breast cancer. We have designed and engineered a breast imaging system integrating both thermoacoustic and photoacoustic imaging techniques to achieve dual-contrast: microwave and light absorption), non-ionizing, low-cost, high-resolution, three-dimensional breast imaging. We have also developed a novel concept of using a negative acoustic lens to increase the acceptance angle of an unfocused large-area ultrasonic transducer: detector), leading to more than twofold improvement of the tangential resolution in both TAT and PAT when the object is far from the scanning center. A contrast agent could be greatly beneficial for early cancer diagnosis using TAT/PAT, because the early stage intrinsic contrast can be low. We have developed a carbon nanotube-based contrast agent for both TAT and PAT. In comparison with deionized water, single-walled carbon nanotubes: SWNTs) exhibited more than twofold signal enhancement for TAT at 3 GHz, and in comparison with blood, they exhibited more than sixfold signal enhancement for PAT at 1064 nm wavelength. Using PAT in conjunction with an intradermal injection of SWNTs, we also showed the feasibility of noninvasive in vivo sentinel lymph node imaging in a rat model. We have also developed and demonstrated molecular photoacoustic imaging using unique soft-type colloidal gold nanobeacons: GNBs) in the near-infrared region. GNBs represent a novel class of stable, colloidal gold nanoparticles, incorporating small metallic gold nanoparticles that can clear from the body when the particles are metabolically disrupted. We have also imaged the sentinel lymph node using different sizes of GNBs, showing that size plays an important role in their in vivo behavior and uptake to the lymph nodes. In addition to providing diagnostic imaging, TAT and PAT can be used in therapy for real-time temperature monitoring with high spatial resolution and high temperature sensitivity, which are both needed for safe and efficient thermotherapy. Using a tissue phantom, these noninvasive methods have been demonstrated to have a high temperature sensitivity of 0.15 0C at 2 s temporal resolution: 20 signal averages)

    SPARC 2016 Salford postgraduate annual research conference book of abstracts

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    Development of an in situ acoustic emission monitoring technique for tribochemical applications

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    Lubricant additives such as MoDTC and ZDDP have been used for decades to change the tribochemical environment of contacts by respectively forming friction modifying or anti-wear tribofilms. The monitoring of these tribofilms is very difficult in situ and in real time as the current techniques that are used can have a great impact on the tribocontact. For example, it is necessary to change one of the contacting surfaces to sapphire so that line-of-site methods such as spectroscopy can be used. Alternatively, the tribological tests being conducted can be stopped and then measurements can be taken of the tribofilm. Both techniques mentioned have limitations as to how accurately they represent real tribological interfaces. Acoustic emissions have historically been used for the detection or crack formation and propagation within pressure vessels. Acoustic emissions utilise the piezo electric properties of the sensors which when vibrated produce an electrical charge, it is this charge that can be measured. The use of acoustic emissions in a tribochemical environment has never been studied before and the link between tribofilms and acoustic emissions is unknown. This study developed and implemented a methodology for monitoring the MoDTC and ZDDP tribofilm formation and growth in situ and in real time. Tests were conducted on a high speed pin-on-disk tribometer using steel disk and ball counterfaces. Experiments were conducted at 100°C and 1000 RPM with a maximum contact pressure of 2.29 GPa. The lubricants used for tests were PAO only, PAO + 0.1wt% MoDTC and PAO + 0.55wt% ZDDP. A WSα acoustic emission sensor attached to the tribometer and connected to a bespoke high speed data acquisition system was used to continuously monitor the acoustic emissions produced throughout testing. This work has shown for the first time that the formation and removal of MoDTC and ZDDP tribofilms can be observed in the acoustic emission data. It has also shown that in a tribochemical environment there is a direct link between the coefficient of friction and the acoustic emission signal, as such it is possible to use the acoustic emission signal to predict the instantaneous coefficient of friction of the contact
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