3 research outputs found

    UML profile for modeling product observation.

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    Nowadays interactive electronics products offer a huge functionality to prospective customers, but often it is too huge and complex to be grasped and used successfully. In this case, customers obviate the struggle and return the products to the shop. Also the variability in scope and features of a product is so large that an up-front specification becomes hard if not impossible. To avoid the problem of an inadequate match between customer expectations and designer assumptions, new sources of product usage information have to be developed. One possibility is to integrate observation functionality into the products, continuously involving real users in the product development process. The integration of such functionality is an often overlooked challenge that should be tackled with an appropriate engineering methodology. This paper presents on-going work about a novel design for observation approach that supports early observation integrations and enables the cooperation with various information stakeholders. We show how observation can be embedded seamlessly in a model-driven development process using UML. An industrial case-study shows the feasibility of the approach

    UML Profile for modeling product observation

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    Nowadays interactive electronics products offer a huge functionality to prospective customers, but often it is too huge and complex to be grasped and used successfully. In this case, customers obviate the struggle and return the products to the shop. Also the variability in scope and features of a product is so large that an up-front specification becomes hard if not impossible. To avoid the problem of an inadequate match between customer expectations and designer assumptions, new sources of product usage information have to be developed. One possi-bility is to integrate observation functionality into the products, continuously involving real users in the product development process. The integration of such functionality is an often overlooked challenge that should be tackled with an appropriate engineer-ing methodology. This paper presents on-going work about a novel design for observation approach that supports early observation integrations and enables the cooperation with various information stakehold-ers. We show how observation can be embedded seamlessly in a model-driven development process using UML. An industrial case-study shows the feasibility of the approach. 1

    Scenario-aware dataflow Citation for published version (APA): UML Profile for Modeling System Observation UML Profile for Modeling Product Observation Version 1.0

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    Abstract Nowadays interactive electronics products offer a huge functionality to prospective customers, but often it is too huge and complex to be grasped and used successfully. In this case, customers often obviate the struggle and return the products to the shop. Also the variability in scope and features of a product is so large that an up-front specification becomes hard if not impossible. To avoid the problem of an inadequate match between customer expectations and designer assumptions, new sources of product usage information have to be developed. One possibility is to integrate observation functionality into the products, continuously involving real users in the product development process. The integration of such functionality is an often overlooked challenge that should be tackled with an appropriate engineering methodology. This report presents on-going work about a novel design for observation approach that supports early observation integration and enables the cooperation with various information stakeholders. We show how observation can be embedded seamlessly in a model-driven development process using UML