4 research outputs found

    A Type- and Control-Flow Analysis for System F: Technical Report

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    We present a monovariant flow analysis for System F (with recursion). The flow analysis yields both control-flow information, approximating the λ- and Λ-expressions that may be bound to variables, and type-flow information, approximating the type expressions that may instantiate type variables. Moreover, the two flows are mutually beneficial: the control flow determines which Λ-expressions may be applied to which type expressions (and, hence, which type expressions may instantiate which type variables), while the type flow filters the λ- and Λ-expressions that may be bound to variables (by rejecting expressions with static types that are incompatible with the static type of the variable under the type flow). As is typical for a monovariant control-flow analysis, control-flow information is expressed as an abstract environment mapping variables to sets of (syntactic) λ- and Λ-expressions that occur in the program under analysis. Similarly, type-flow information is expressed as an abstract environment mapping type variables to sets of (syntactic) types that occur in the program under analysis. Compatibility of static types (with free type variables) under a type flow is decided by interpreting the abstract environment as productions for a regular-tree grammar and querying if the languages generated by taking the types in question as starting terms have a non-empty intersection. This is a companion technical report, providing additional commentary and proof details, to a paper [11] appearing in Implementation and Application of Functional Languages: 24th International Symposium (IFL’12)

    Type-sensitive control-flow analysis

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    Higher-order typed languages, such as ML, provide strong support for data and type abstraction. While such abstraction is often viewed as costing performance, there are situations where it may provide opportunities for more aggressive program optimization. Specifically, we can exploit the fact that type abstraction guarantees representation independence, which allows the compiler to specialize data representations. This paper describes a first step in supporting such optimizations; namely a modular control-flow analysis that uses the program’s type information to compute more precise results. We present our algorithm as an extension of Serrano’s version of 0-CFA and we show that it respects types. We also discuss applications of the analysis with a specific focus on optimizing Concurrent ML programs.

    Abstract Type-sensitive Control-flow Analysis

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    Higher-order typed languages, such as ML, provide strong support for data and type abstraction. While such abstraction is often viewed as costing performance, there are situations where it may provide opportunities for more aggressive program optimization. Specifically, we can exploit the fact that type abstraction guarantees representation independence, which allows the compiler to specialize data representations. This paper describes a first step in supporting such optimizations; namely a control-flow analysis that uses the program’s type information to compute more precise results. We present our algorithm as an extension of Serrano’s version of 0-CFA and we show that it respects types. We also discuss applications of the analysis with examples of optimizations enabled by the analysis that would not be possible using normal CFA


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    Concurrent ML (CML) is a statically-typed higher-order concurrent language that is embedded in Standard ML. Its most notable feature are first-class synchronous operations, which allow programmers to encapsulate complicated communication and synchronization protocols as first-class abstractions. This feature encourages a modular style of programming, where the actual underlying channels used to communicate with a given thread are hidden behind data and type abstraction. While CML has been in active use for well over a decade, little attention has been paid to optimizing CML programs. In this paper, we present a new program analysis for statically-typed higher-order concurrent languages that is a significant step toward optimization of CML. Our technique is modular (i.e., it analyses and optimizes a single unit of abstraction at a time), which plays to the modular style of many CML programs. The analysis consists of two major components: the first is a type-sensitive control-flow analysis that uses the program’s type-abstractions to compute more precise results. We then construct a control-flow graph from the results of the CFA and analyze the flow of known channel values using the graph. Our analysis is designed to detect special patterns of use, such as one-shot channels, fan-in channels, and fan-out channels. These special patterns can be exploited by using more efficient implementations of channel primitives. We show that our analysis is correct.