4 research outputs found

    A General Pluggable Type Inference Framework and its use for Data-flow Analysis

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    Java's pluggable type systems provide valuable compile-time guarantees, but annotating the program with pluggable types can be a significant burden on programmers. Checker Framework Inference, a framework that aims to provide a constraint-based type inference for pluggable types, can generate type constraints over the occurrence of type qualifier of expressions according to type rules. However, there is no efficient approach to solve type constraints generated by Checker Framework Inference. This thesis presents a system called Type Constraint Solver that can solve the type constraint by encoding the constraint as a Max-SAT problem and in the LogiQL language. The system takes advantage of existing Max-SAT solvers and LogicBlox to solve the corresponding forms, and gets the concrete pluggable type qualifiers for program expressions. Type Constraint Solver provides options to separate constraints into groups and solve them in parallel. It also has extendability that can be easily extended with custom encoding logic. We developed a pluggable type system called Dataflow Type System on top of Checker Framework Inference to verify the functionality of Type Constraint Solver. The type system and its inference can perform data-flow analysis by inferring all possible run-time Java types of return types, parameters, fields, and variables at compile time. We applied Checker Framework Inference to six real-world applications of up to 39kLOC with Dataflow Type System and OsTrusted Type system resulting approximately 58,000 type constraints. We used our tool to solve these type constraints and analyzed the experimentation statistics. We manually examined the inference result and found that Type Constraint Solver is able to automatically infer the expected type qualifiers for benchmarks. Inferring the largest application with fastest inference options took about 10 seconds on average, and approximately 23,000 type qualifiers were inferred. These results suggest that our system can efficiently give correct solution for type constraints

    Locksmith: Context-Sensitive Correlation Analysis for Race Detection

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    One common technique for preventing data races in multi-threaded programs is to ensure that all accesses to shared locations are consistently protected by a lock. We present a tool called Locksmith for detecting data races in C programs by looking for violations of this pattern. We call the relationship between locks and the locations they protect consistent correlation, and the core of our technique is a novel constraint-based analysis that infers consistent correlation context-sensitively, using the results to check that locations are properly guarded by locks. We present the core of our algorithm for a simple formal language which we have proven sound, and discuss how we scale it up to an algorithm that aims to be sound for all of C. We develop several techniques to improve the precision and performance of the analysis, including a sharing analysis for inferring thread locality; existential quantification for modeling locks in data structures; and heuristics for modeling unsafe features of C such as type casts. When applied to several benchmarks, including multi-threaded servers and Linux device drivers, Locksmith found several races while producing a modest number of false alarms

    Dynamic Data Race Detection for Structured Parallelism

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    With the advent of multicore processors and an increased emphasis on parallel computing, parallel programming has become a fundamental requirement for achieving available performance. Parallel programming is inherently hard because, to reason about the correctness of a parallel program, programmers have to consider large numbers of interleavings of statements in different threads in the program. Though structured parallelism imposes some restrictions on the programmer, it is an attractive approach because it provides useful guarantees such as deadlock-freedom. However, data races remain a challenging source of bugs in parallel programs. Data races may occur only in few of the possible schedules of a parallel program, thereby making them extremely hard to detect, reproduce, and correct. In the past, dynamic data race detection algorithms have suffered from at least one of the following limitations: some algorithms have a worst-case linear space and time overhead, some algorithms are dependent on a specific scheduling technique, some algorithms generate false positives and false negatives, some have no empirical evaluation as yet, and some require sequential execution of the parallel program. In this thesis, we introduce dynamic data race detection algorithms for structured parallel programs that overcome past limitations. We present a race detection algorithm called ESP-bags that requires the input program to be executed sequentially and another algorithm called SPD3 that can execute the program in parallel. While the ESP-bags algorithm addresses all the above mentioned limitations except sequential execution, the SPD3 algorithm addresses the issue of sequential execution by scaling well across highly parallel shared memory multiprocessors. Our algorithms incur constant space overhead per memory location and time overhead that is independent of the number of processors on which the programs execute. Our race detection algorithms support a rich set of parallel constructs (including async, finish, isolated, and future) that are found in languages such as HJ, X10, and Cilk. Our algorithms for async, finish, and future are precise and sound for a given input. In the presence of isolated, our algorithms are precise but not sound. Our experiments show that our algorithms (for async, finish, and isolated) perform well in practice, incurring an average slowdown of under 3x over the original execution time on a suite of 15 benchmarks. SPD3 is the first practical dynamic race detection algorithm for async-finish parallel programs that can execute the input program in parallel and use constant space per memory location. This takes us closer to our goal of building dynamic data race detectors that can be "always-on" when developing parallel applications