7 research outputs found

    Complex Hadamard matrices contained in a Bose-Mesner algebra

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    A complex Hadamard matrix is a square matrix H with complex entries of absolute value 1 satisfying HH∗=nIHH^*= nI, where ∗* stands for the Hermitian transpose and I is the identity matrix of order nn. In this paper, we first determine the image of a certain rational map from the dd-dimensional complex projective space to Cd(d+1)/2\mathbb{C}^{d(d+1)/2}. Applying this result with d=3d=3, we give constructions of complex Hadamard matrices, and more generally, type-II matrices, in the Bose-Mesner algebra of a certain 3-class symmetric association scheme. In particular, we recover the complex Hadamard matrices of order 15 found by Ada Chan. We compute the Haagerup sets to show inequivalence of resulting type-II matrices, and determine the Nomura algebras to show that the resulting matrices are not decomposable into generalized tensor products.Comment: 28 pages + Appendix A + Appendix

    Jones pairs

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