12,356,089 research outputs found

    Irreducible Modules over Finite Simple Lie Pseudoalgebras I. Primitive Pseudoalgebras of Type W and S

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    One of the algebraic structures that has emerged recently in the study of the operator product expansions of chiral fields in conformal field theory is that of a Lie conformal algebra [K]. A Lie pseudoalgebra is a generalization of the notion of a Lie conformal algebra for which C[\partial] is replaced by the universal enveloping algebra H of a finite-dimensional Lie algebra [BDK]. The finite (i.e., finitely generated over H) simple Lie pseudoalgebras were classified in [BDK]. In a series of papers, starting with the present one, we classify all irreducible finite modules over finite simple Lie pseudoalgebras.Comment: 51 pages; minor change


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    We show that germs of local real-analytic CR automorphisms of a real-analytic hypersurface M in C 2 at a point p ∈ M are uniquely determined by their jets of some finite order at p if and only if M is not Levi-flat near p. This seems to be the first necessary and sufficient result on finite jet determination and the first result of this kind in the infinite type case. If M is of finite type at p, we prove a stronger assertion: the local real-analytic CR automorphisms of M fixing p are analytically parametrized (and hence uniquely determined) by their 2-jets at p. This result is optimal since the automorphisms of the unit sphere are not determined by their 1-jets at a point of the sphere. The finite type condition is necessary since otherwise the needed jet order can be arbitrarily high [Kow1,2], [Z2]. Moreover, we show, by an example, that determination by 2-jets fails for finite type hypersurfaces already in C3. We also give an application to the dynamics of germs of local biholomorphisms of C 2.

    Tokuyama-type formulas for type B

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    We obtain explicit formulas for the product of a deformed Weyl denominator with the character of an irreducible representation of the spin group Spin2r+1(C)\rm{Spin}_{2r+1}({\mathbb C}), which is an analogue of the formulas of Tokuyama for Schur polynomials and Hamel-King for characters of symplectic groups. To give these, we start with a symplectic group and obtain such characters using the Casselman-Shalika formula. We then analyze this using objects which are naturally attached to the metaplectic double cover of an odd orthogonal group, which also has dual group Spin2r+1(C)\rm{Spin}_{2r+1}({\mathbb C}).Comment: 34 pages. To appear in Israel J. of Mat

    Algebras of acyclic cluster type: tree type and type A~\widetilde{A}

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    In this paper, we study algebras of global dimension at most 2 whose generalized cluster category is equivalent to the cluster category of an acyclic quiver which is either a tree or of type A~\widetilde{A}. We are particularly interested in their derived equivalence classification. We prove that each algebra which is cluster equivalent to a tree quiver is derived equivalent to the path algebra of this tree. Then we describe explicitly the algebras of cluster type \A_n for each possible orientation of \A_n. We give an explicit way to read off in which derived equivalence class such an algebra lies, and describe the Auslander-Reiten quiver of its derived category. Together, these results in particular provide a complete classification of algebras which are cluster equivalent to tame acyclic quivers.Comment: v2: 37 pages. Title is changed. A mistake in the previous version is now corrected (see Remark 3.14). Other changes making the paper coherent with the version 2 of 1003.491

    Classification of GHZ-type, W-type and GHZ-W-type multiqubit entanglements

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    We propose the concept of SLOCC-equivalent basis (SEB) in the multiqubit space. In particular, two special SEBs, the GHZ-type and the W-type basis are introduced. They can make up a more general family of multiqubit states, the GHZ-W-type states, which is a useful kind of entanglement for quantum teleporatation and error correction. We completely characterize the property of this type of states, and mainly classify the GHZ-type states and the W-type states in a regular way, which is related to the enumerative combinatorics. Many concrete examples are given to exhibit how our method is used for the classification of these entangled states.Comment: 16 pages, Revte

    ABC-type estimates via Garsia-type norms

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    We are concerned with extensions of the Mason--Stothers abcabc theorem from polynomials to analytic functions on the unit disk D\mathbb D. The new feature is that the number of zeros of a function ff in D\mathbb D gets replaced by the norm of the associated Blaschke product BfB_f in a suitable smoothness space XX. Such extensions are shown to exist, and the appropriate abcabc-type estimates are exhibited, provided that XX admits a "Garsia-type norm", i.e., a norm sharing certain properties with the classical Garsia norm on BMO. Special emphasis is placed on analytic Lipschitz spaces.Comment: 9 page

    Branes in type 0/type II duality

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    We derive relations between type 0 and type II D-brane configurations under the T-duality suggested by Bergman and Gaberdiel and confirm that the massless fields on D-branes are identical to those on the dual D-brane configurations. Furthermore, we discuss dualities of type 0 and type II NS5-branes and find that the dual of an unwrapped type 0 NS5-brane is a Kaluza-Klein monopole with non-supersymmetric blow up modes.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures, explanations added, typos correcte
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