4 research outputs found


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    Teknologi Visible Light Communication (VLC) merupakan salah satu teknologi jaringan nirkabel (wireless) yang semakin berkembang terutama pada ruangan tertutup. Umumnya VLC memanfaatkan sebuah lampu LED sebagai sarana pengiriman informasi. Lampu LED memiliki keuntungan pada penggunaan daya yang lebih hemat dan kemampuan switching yang sangat tinggi. Tugas Akhir ini membandingkan penggunaan 1, 2 dan 3 buah lampu LED. Dengan mengukurdayaterima,jarakdansudutmaksimalyangdijangkaudenganidealBER = 10?3. Terdapat 2 rancangan skenario yaitu tanpa penambahan optical concentrator pada photodetector dan penambahan optical concentrator pada photodetector pada sistem VLC dengan menggunakan modulasi OOK NRZ. Hasil simulasi dari 2 skenario, dengan penambahan optical concentrator lebih baik dibandingkan dengan tanpa penambahan optical concentrator. Dengan 1 buah lampu pada penambahan optical concentrator jangkauan daya terima sangat besar dengan jarak dan posisi sudut receiver tercakup. Daya terima dengan 1 buah lampu sebesar 8,7×10 ?3 mW, jarak sejauh 3,83 m dan posisi sudut receiver sebesar 55,87?. KataKunci: VLC, LED, BER, OOK-NRZ, Optical Concentrator, Photodetecto

    Positioning and data broadcasting using illumination pattern sequences displayed by LED arrays

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    Illumination of a scene with a time-sequence of spatial light patterns enables clients within the scene to navigate, receive broadcast wireless data, or make subsequent space-division multiple access connections to a high bandwidth wireless system. We have developed dedicated binary pattern sequences, for use with arrays of light-emitting diodes (LEDs), which are projected on the area of interest. The LED arrays can be in either active-matrix or matrix-addressable format. The properties of the different sequences are compared theoretically and experimentally, highlighting a trade-off between position update rate and resilience against pixel cross-talk and interference

    Sensing, communication and illumination with LED lighting systems

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    Two-way visible light communication and illumination with LEDs

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    \u3cp\u3eVisible light communications (VLC) with light-emitting diodes (LEDs) has attracted applications, such as data communications, lighting control, and light interaction. In this paper, we propose a system by which two LED devices are used for two-way VLC while also providing illumination. We consider Manchester encoding with on-off keying for transmission. A reception scheme in which the LEDs themselves are used as receivers by sensing in the OFF periods is considered. A synchronization scheme to achieve frame-and symbol-level synchronization is also proposed. A prototype of the proposed system is designed and the communication performance is evaluated.\u3c/p\u3