6 research outputs found

    Planning with Expectation Models

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    Distribution and sample models are two popular model choices in model-based reinforcement learning (MBRL). However, learning these models can be intractable, particularly when the state and action spaces are large. Expectation models, on the other hand, are relatively easier to learn due to their compactness and have also been widely used for deterministic environments. For stochastic environments, it is not obvious how expectation models can be used for planning as they only partially characterize a distribution. In this paper, we propose a sound way of using approximate expectation models for MBRL. In particular, we 1) show that planning with an expectation model is equivalent to planning with a distribution model if the state value function is linear in state features, 2) analyze two common parametrization choices for approximating the expectation: linear and non-linear expectation models, 3) propose a sound model-based policy evaluation algorithm and present its convergence results, and 4) empirically demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed planning algorithm

    Recurrent Value Functions

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    Despite recent successes in Reinforcement Learning, value-based methods often suffer from high variance hindering performance. In this paper, we illustrate this in a continuous control setting where state of the art methods perform poorly whenever sensor noise is introduced. To overcome this issue, we introduce Recurrent Value Functions (RVFs) as an alternative to estimate the value function of a state. We propose to estimate the value function of the current state using the value function of past states visited along the trajectory. Due to the nature of their formulation, RVFs have a natural way of learning an emphasis function that selectively emphasizes important states. First, we establish RVF's asymptotic convergence properties in tabular settings. We then demonstrate their robustness on a partially observable domain and continuous control tasks. Finally, we provide a qualitative interpretation of the learned emphasis function

    Geometric Insights into the Convergence of Nonlinear TD Learning

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    While there are convergence guarantees for temporal difference (TD) learning when using linear function approximators, the situation for nonlinear models is far less understood, and divergent examples are known. Here we take a first step towards extending theoretical convergence guarantees to TD learning with nonlinear function approximation. More precisely, we consider the expected learning dynamics of the TD(0) algorithm for value estimation. As the step-size converges to zero, these dynamics are defined by a nonlinear ODE which depends on the geometry of the space of function approximators, the structure of the underlying Markov chain, and their interaction. We find a set of function approximators that includes ReLU networks and has geometry amenable to TD learning regardless of environment, so that the solution performs about as well as linear TD in the worst case. Then, we show how environments that are more reversible induce dynamics that are better for TD learning and prove global convergence to the true value function for well-conditioned function approximators. Finally, we generalize a divergent counterexample to a family of divergent problems to demonstrate how the interaction between approximator and environment can go wrong and to motivate the assumptions needed to prove convergence.Comment: ICLR 202

    A Deeper Look at Discounting Mismatch in Actor-Critic Algorithms

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    We investigate the discounting mismatch in actor-critic algorithm implementations from a representation learning perspective. Theoretically, actor-critic algorithms usually have discounting for both actor and critic, i.e., there is a γt\gamma^t term in the actor update for the transition observed at time tt in a trajectory and the critic is a discounted value function. Practitioners, however, usually ignore the discounting (γt\gamma^t) for the actor while using a discounted critic. We investigate this mismatch in two scenarios. In the first scenario, we consider optimizing an undiscounted objective (γ=1)(\gamma = 1) where γt\gamma^t disappears naturally (1t=1)(1^t = 1). We then propose to interpret the discounting in critic in terms of a bias-variance-representation trade-off and provide supporting empirical results. In the second scenario, we consider optimizing a discounted objective (γ<1\gamma < 1) and propose to interpret the omission of the discounting in the actor update from an auxiliary task perspective and provide supporting empirical results

    A Geometric Perspective on Optimal Representations for Reinforcement Learning

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    We propose a new perspective on representation learning in reinforcement learning based on geometric properties of the space of value functions. We leverage this perspective to provide formal evidence regarding the usefulness of value functions as auxiliary tasks. Our formulation considers adapting the representation to minimize the (linear) approximation of the value function of all stationary policies for a given environment. We show that this optimization reduces to making accurate predictions regarding a special class of value functions which we call adversarial value functions (AVFs). We demonstrate that using value functions as auxiliary tasks corresponds to an expected-error relaxation of our formulation, with AVFs a natural candidate, and identify a close relationship with proto-value functions (Mahadevan, 2005). We highlight characteristics of AVFs and their usefulness as auxiliary tasks in a series of experiments on the four-room domain

    Single-Timescale Stochastic Nonconvex-Concave Optimization for Smooth Nonlinear TD Learning

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    Temporal-Difference (TD) learning with nonlinear smooth function approximation for policy evaluation has achieved great success in modern reinforcement learning. It is shown that such a problem can be reformulated as a stochastic nonconvex-strongly-concave optimization problem, which is challenging as naive stochastic gradient descent-ascent algorithm suffers from slow convergence. Existing approaches for this problem are based on two-timescale or double-loop stochastic gradient algorithms, which may also require sampling large-batch data. However, in practice, a single-timescale single-loop stochastic algorithm is preferred due to its simplicity and also because its step-size is easier to tune. In this paper, we propose two single-timescale single-loop algorithms which require only one data point each step. Our first algorithm implements momentum updates on both primal and dual variables achieving an O(ε−4)O(\varepsilon^{-4}) sample complexity, which shows the important role of momentum in obtaining a single-timescale algorithm. Our second algorithm improves upon the first one by applying variance reduction on top of momentum, which matches the best known O(ε−3)O(\varepsilon^{-3}) sample complexity in existing works. Furthermore, our variance-reduction algorithm does not require a large-batch checkpoint. Moreover, our theoretical results for both algorithms are expressed in a tighter form of simultaneous primal and dual side convergence.Comment: 45 pages; initial draft submitted in Feb, 202