23 research outputs found

    Two-Phase Learning for Weakly Supervised Object Localization

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    Weakly supervised semantic segmentation and localiza- tion have a problem of focusing only on the most important parts of an image since they use only image-level annota- tions. In this paper, we solve this problem fundamentally via two-phase learning. Our networks are trained in two steps. In the first step, a conventional fully convolutional network (FCN) is trained to find the most discriminative parts of an image. In the second step, the activations on the most salient parts are suppressed by inference conditional feedback, and then the second learning is performed to find the area of the next most important parts. By combining the activations of both phases, the entire portion of the tar- get object can be captured. Our proposed training scheme is novel and can be utilized in well-designed techniques for weakly supervised semantic segmentation, salient region detection, and object location prediction. Detailed experi- ments demonstrate the effectiveness of our two-phase learn- ing in each task.Comment: Accepted at ICCV 201

    Combining Weakly and Webly Supervised Learning for Classifying Food Images

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    Food classification from images is a fine-grained classification problem. Manual curation of food images is cost, time and scalability prohibitive. On the other hand, web data is available freely but contains noise. In this paper, we address the problem of classifying food images with minimal data curation. We also tackle a key problems with food images from the web where they often have multiple cooccuring food types but are weakly labeled with a single label. We first demonstrate that by sequentially adding a few manually curated samples to a larger uncurated dataset from two web sources, the top-1 classification accuracy increases from 50.3% to 72.8%. To tackle the issue of weak labels, we augment the deep model with Weakly Supervised learning (WSL) that results in an increase in performance to 76.2%. Finally, we show some qualitative results to provide insights into the performance improvements using the proposed ideas

    Self-Erasing Network for Integral Object Attention

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    Recently, adversarial erasing for weakly-supervised object attention has been deeply studied due to its capability in localizing integral object regions. However, such a strategy raises one key problem that attention regions will gradually expand to non-object regions as training iterations continue, which significantly decreases the quality of the produced attention maps. To tackle such an issue as well as promote the quality of object attention, we introduce a simple yet effective Self-Erasing Network (SeeNet) to prohibit attentions from spreading to unexpected background regions. In particular, SeeNet leverages two self-erasing strategies to encourage networks to use reliable object and background cues for learning to attention. In this way, integral object regions can be effectively highlighted without including much more background regions. To test the quality of the generated attention maps, we employ the mined object regions as heuristic cues for learning semantic segmentation models. Experiments on Pascal VOC well demonstrate the superiority of our SeeNet over other state-of-the-art methods.Comment: Accepted by NIPS201

    Fully Using Classifiers for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation with Modified Cues

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    This paper proposes a novel weakly-supervised semantic segmentation method using image-level label only. The class-specific activation maps from the well-trained classifiers are used as cues to train a segmentation network. The well-known defects of these cues are coarseness and incompleteness. We use super-pixel to refine them, and fuse the cues extracted from both a color image trained classifier and a gray image trained classifier to compensate for their incompleteness. The conditional random field is adapted to regulate the training process and to refine the outputs further. Besides initializing the segmentation network, the previously trained classifier is also used in the testing phase to suppress the non-existing classes. Experimental results on the PASCAL VOC 2012 dataset illustrate the effectiveness of our method

    Tell Me Where to Look: Guided Attention Inference Network

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    Weakly supervised learning with only coarse labels can obtain visual explanations of deep neural network such as attention maps by back-propagating gradients. These attention maps are then available as priors for tasks such as object localization and semantic segmentation. In one common framework we address three shortcomings of previous approaches in modeling such attention maps: We (1) first time make attention maps an explicit and natural component of the end-to-end training, (2) provide self-guidance directly on these maps by exploring supervision form the network itself to improve them, and (3) seamlessly bridge the gap between using weak and extra supervision if available. Despite its simplicity, experiments on the semantic segmentation task demonstrate the effectiveness of our methods. We clearly surpass the state-of-the-art on Pascal VOC 2012 val. and test set. Besides, the proposed framework provides a way not only explaining the focus of the learner but also feeding back with direct guidance towards specific tasks. Under mild assumptions our method can also be understood as a plug-in to existing weakly supervised learners to improve their generalization performance.Comment: Accepted in CVPR201

    Decoupled Spatial Neural Attention for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation

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    Weakly supervised semantic segmentation receives much research attention since it alleviates the need to obtain a large amount of dense pixel-wise ground-truth annotations for the training images. Compared with other forms of weak supervision, image labels are quite efficient to obtain. In our work, we focus on the weakly supervised semantic segmentation with image label annotations. Recent progress for this task has been largely dependent on the quality of generated pseudo-annotations. In this work, inspired by spatial neural-attention for image captioning, we propose a decoupled spatial neural attention network for generating pseudo-annotations. Our decoupled attention structure could simultaneously identify the object regions and localize the discriminative parts which generates high-quality pseudo-annotations in one forward path. The generated pseudo-annotations lead to the segmentation results which achieve the state-of-the-art in weakly-supervised semantic segmentation

    C-WSL: Count-guided Weakly Supervised Localization

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    We introduce count-guided weakly supervised localization (C-WSL), an approach that uses per-class object count as a new form of supervision to improve weakly supervised localization (WSL). C-WSL uses a simple count-based region selection algorithm to select high-quality regions, each of which covers a single object instance during training, and improves existing WSL methods by training with the selected regions. To demonstrate the effectiveness of C-WSL, we integrate it into two WSL architectures and conduct extensive experiments on VOC2007 and VOC2012. Experimental results show that C-WSL leads to large improvements in WSL and that the proposed approach significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art methods. The results of annotation experiments on VOC2007 suggest that a modest extra time is needed to obtain per-class object counts compared to labeling only object categories in an image. Furthermore, we reduce the annotation time by more than 2×2\times and 38×38\times compared to center-click and bounding-box annotations.Comment: ECCV201

    Weakly Supervised Localization Using Background Images

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    Weakly Supervised Object Localization (WSOL) methodsusually rely on fully convolutional networks in order to ob-tain class activation maps(CAMs) of targeted labels. How-ever, these networks always highlight the most discriminativeparts to perform the task, the located areas are much smallerthan entire targeted objects. In this work, we propose a novelend-to-end model to enlarge CAMs generated from classifi-cation models, which can localize targeted objects more pre-cisely. In detail, we add an additional module in traditionalclassification networks to extract foreground object propos-als from images without classifying them into specific cate-gories. Then we set these normalized regions as unrestrictedpixel-level mask supervision for the following classificationtask. We collect a set of images defined as Background ImageSet from the Internet. The number of them is much smallerthan the targeted dataset but surprisingly well supports themethod to extract foreground regions from different pictures.The region extracted is independent from classification task,where the extracted region in each image covers almost en-tire object rather than just a significant part. Therefore, theseregions can serve as masks to supervise the response mapgenerated from classification models to become larger andmore precise. The method achieves state-of-the-art results onCUB-200-2011 in terms of Top-1 and Top-5 localization er-ror while has a competitive result on ILSVRC2016 comparedwith other approaches.Comment: Course project of CSC577, University of Rocheste

    Learning to Exploit the Prior Network Knowledge for Weakly-Supervised Semantic Segmentation

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    Training a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) for semantic segmentation typically requires to collect a large amount of accurate pixel-level annotations, a hard and expensive task. In contrast, simple image tags are easier to gather. With this paper we introduce a novel weakly-supervised semantic segmentation model able to learn from image labels, and just image labels. Our model uses the prior knowledge of a network trained for image recognition, employing these image annotations as an attention mechanism to identify semantic regions in the images. We then present a methodology that builds accurate class-specific segmentation masks from these regions, where neither external objectness nor saliency algorithms are required. We describe how to incorporate this mask generation strategy into a fully end-to-end trainable process where the network jointly learns to classify and segment images. Our experiments on PASCAL VOC 2012 dataset show that exploiting these generated class-specific masks in conjunction with our novel end-to-end learning process outperforms several recent weakly-supervised semantic segmentation methods that use image tags only, and even some models that leverage additional supervision or training data

    Structure Label Prediction Using Similarity-Based Retrieval and Weakly-Supervised Label Mapping

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    Recently, there has been significant interest in various supervised machine learning techniques that can help reduce the time and effort consumed by manual interpretation workflows. However, most successful supervised machine learning algorithms require huge amounts of annotated training data. Obtaining these labels for large seismic volumes is a very time-consuming and laborious task. We address this problem by presenting a weakly-supervised approach for predicting the labels of various seismic structures. By having an interpreter select a very small number of exemplar images for every class of subsurface structures, we use a novel similarity-based retrieval technique to extract thousands of images that contain similar subsurface structures from the seismic volume. By assuming that similar images belong to the same class, we obtain thousands of image-level labels for these images; we validate this assumption in our results section. We then introduce a novel weakly-supervised algorithm for mapping these rough image-level labels into more accurate pixel-level labels that localize the different subsurface structures within the image. This approach dramatically simplifies the process of obtaining labeled data for training supervised machine learning algorithms on seismic interpretation tasks. Using our method we generate thousands of automatically-labeled images from the Netherlands Offshore F3 block with reasonably accurate pixel-level labels. We believe this work will allow for more advances in machine learning-enabled seismic interpretation.Comment: Published at SEG Geophysics Journal in Dec 201