29 research outputs found

    On the convergence of monotone schemes for path-dependent PDE

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    We propose a reformulation of the convergence theorem of monotone numerical schemes introduced by Zhang and Zhuo for viscosity solutions of path-dependent PDEs, which extends the seminal work of Barles and Souganidis on the viscosity solution of PDE. We prove the convergence theorem under conditions similar to those of the classical theorem in the work of Barles and Souganidis. These conditions are satisfied, to the best of our knowledge, by all classical monotone numerical schemes in the context of stochastic control theory. In particular, the paper provides a unified approach to prove the convergence of numerical schemes for non-Markovian stochastic control problems, second order BSDEs, stochastic differential games etc.Comment: 28 page

    Stochastic Target Games and Dynamic Programming via Regularized Viscosity Solutions

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    We study a class of stochastic target games where one player tries to find a strategy such that the state process almost-surely reaches a given target, no matter which action is chosen by the opponent. Our main result is a geometric dynamic programming principle which allows us to characterize the value function as the viscosity solution of a non-linear partial differential equation. Because abstract mea-surable selection arguments cannot be used in this context, the main obstacle is the construction of measurable almost-optimal strategies. We propose a novel approach where smooth supersolutions are used to define almost-optimal strategies of Markovian type, similarly as in ver-ification arguments for classical solutions of Hamilton--Jacobi--Bellman equations. The smooth supersolutions are constructed by an exten-sion of Krylov's method of shaken coefficients. We apply our results to a problem of option pricing under model uncertainty with different interest rates for borrowing and lending.Comment: To appear in MO

    Measurability of Semimartingale Characteristics with Respect to the Probability Law

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    Given a c\`adl\`ag process XX on a filtered measurable space, we construct a version of its semimartingale characteristics which is measurable with respect to the underlying probability law. More precisely, let Psem\mathfrak{P}_{sem} be the set of all probability measures PP under which XX is a semimartingale. We construct processes (BP,C,νP)(B^P,C,\nu^P) which are jointly measurable in time, space, and the probability law PP, and are versions of the semimartingale characteristics of XX under PP for each P∈PsemP\in\mathfrak{P}_{sem}. This result gives a general and unifying answer to measurability questions that arise in the context of quasi-sure analysis and stochastic control under the weak formulation.Comment: 37 pages; forthcoming in 'Stochastic Processes and their Applications