4,916 research outputs found

    On Linkedness of Cartesian Product of Graphs

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    We study linkedness of Cartesian product of graphs and prove that the product of an aa-linked and a bb-linked graphs is (a+b1)(a+b-1)-linked if the graphs are sufficiently large. Further bounds in terms of connectivity are shown. We determine linkedness of product of paths and product of cycles

    Hexagonal Tilings: Tutte Uniqueness

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    We develop the necessary machinery in order to prove that hexagonal tilings are uniquely determined by their Tutte polynomial, showing as an example how to apply this technique to the toroidal hexagonal tiling.Comment: 12 figure

    Transience and recurrence of random walks on percolation clusters in an ultrametric space

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    We study existence of percolation in the hierarchical group of order NN, which is an ultrametric space, and transience and recurrence of random walks on the percolation clusters. The connection probability on the hierarchical group for two points separated by distance kk is of the form ck/Nk(1+δ),δ>1c_k/N^{k(1+\delta)}, \delta>-1, with ck=C0+C1logk+C2kαc_k=C_0+C_1\log k+C_2k^\alpha, non-negative constants C0,C1,C2C_0, C_1, C_2, and α>0\alpha>0. Percolation was proved in Dawson and Gorostiza (2013) for δ0\delta0, with α>2\alpha>2. In this paper we improve the result for the critical case by showing percolation for α>0\alpha>0. We use a renormalization method of the type in the previous paper in a new way which is more intrinsic to the model. The proof involves ultrametric random graphs (described in the Introduction). The results for simple (nearest neighbour) random walks on the percolation clusters are: in the case δ<1\delta<1 the walk is transient, and in the critical case δ=1,C2>0,α>0\delta=1, C_2>0,\alpha>0, there exists a critical αc(0,)\alpha_c\in(0,\infty) such that the walk is recurrent for α<αc\alpha<\alpha_c and transient for α>αc\alpha>\alpha_c. The proofs involve graph diameters, path lengths, and electric circuit theory. Some comparisons are made with behaviours of random walks on long-range percolation clusters in the one-dimensional Euclidean lattice.Comment: 27 page