2 research outputs found

    Towards Wider Sharing of Iconographical Art Content

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    Information and multimedia technologies that have been developed during the past couple of years provided new e-tools to memory institutions (viz. museum, libraries, galleries, etc.), reviving the valuable treasure made by generation of people. Digital libraries (DLs) are such powerful contemporary tools for cultural heritage presentation, preservation and archiving. However, DLs power will in-crease significantly if they use mechanisms for ubiquitous sharing of their e-artefacts and they distribute attractive content in the social networks, reflecting community demands and needs. This paper presents a service for automatic sharing of iconographical artefacts and full collections from the Bulgarian Iconographical Digital Library to selected Facebook communities. In this case the service will be used for widely promotion of knowledge about East-Christian Iconographical Art and Culture, but I could be used not only for this and not only in this domain

    Cultural, historical and scientific heritage, and multidisciplinary approach

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    U radu je istaknuta povezanost istraživanja, očuvanja i prezentacije nasleđa, multidisciplinarnog pristupa i crkvenih studija. Ta veza je uslov za formiranje istraživanja i prezentaciju nasleđa koje teže celovitosti i verodostojnoj interpretaciji. Prikazani su aktuelni i planirani budući projekti i istraživanja. Postoji trend ovakvog pristupa baštini u našoj zemlji, kao i u regionu. Kao nosioci ideje o integrativnom pristupu nasleđu u taj tok uključeni su Centar za crkvene studije, Međunarodni centar za pravoslavne studije i Centar za vizantijsko-slovenske studije svojom istraživačkom platformom, izdavaštvom, organizovanjem skupova i učešćem u osnivanju i aktivnostima Međunarodne naučne mreže Pax Byzantino-Slava.Paper highlights the connection between research, preservation and presentation of heritage, multidisciplinary approach and church studies. This connection is a ground base for research and presentation of heritage that strive for integrity and credible interpretation. Current and planned future projects and researches are presented. This kind of approach to heritage is a trend in our country, as well as in the region. As bearers of the idea of integrative approach to heritage, The Center for Church Studies, The International Center for Orthodox Studies and The Center for Byzantine-Slavic Studies belong to this flow, with their research platform, publishing, organizing conferences and participating in founding of International Research Network Pax Byzantino-Slava