1 research outputs found

    Two High-Performance Amplitude Beamforming Schemes for Secure Precise Communication and Jamming with Phase Alignment

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    To severely weaken the eavesdropper's ability to intercept confidential message (CM), a precise jamming (PJ) idea is proposed by making use of the concept of secure precise wireless transmission (SPWT). Its basic idea is to focus the transmit energy of artificial noise (AN) onto the neighborhood of eavesdropper (Eve) by using random subcarrier selection (RSS), directional modulation, phase alignment (PA), and amplitude beamforming (AB). By doing so, Eve will be seriously interfered with AN. Here, the conventional joint optimization of phase and amplitude is converted into two independent phase and amplitude optimization problems. Considering PJ and SPWT require PA, the joint optimization problem reduces to an amplitude optimization problem. Then, two efficient AB schemes are proposed: leakage and maximizing receive power(Max-RP). With existing equal AB (EAB) as a performance reference, simulation results show that the proposed Max-RP and leakage AB methods perform much better than conventional method in terms of both bit-error-rate (BER) and secrecy rate (SR) at medium and high signal-to-noise ratio regions. The performance difference between the two proposed leakage and Max-RP amplitude beamformers is trivial. Additionally, we also find the fact that all three AB schemes EA, Max-RP, and leakage can form two main peaks of AN and CM around Eve and the desired receiver (Bob), respectively. This is what we call PJ and SPWT