4,570 research outputs found

    Hardness of Vertex Deletion and Project Scheduling

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    Assuming the Unique Games Conjecture, we show strong inapproximability results for two natural vertex deletion problems on directed graphs: for any integer k≥2k\geq 2 and arbitrary small ϵ>0\epsilon > 0, the Feedback Vertex Set problem and the DAG Vertex Deletion problem are inapproximable within a factor k−ϵk-\epsilon even on graphs where the vertices can be almost partitioned into kk solutions. This gives a more structured and therefore stronger UGC-based hardness result for the Feedback Vertex Set problem that is also simpler (albeit using the "It Ain't Over Till It's Over" theorem) than the previous hardness result. In comparison to the classical Feedback Vertex Set problem, the DAG Vertex Deletion problem has received little attention and, although we think it is a natural and interesting problem, the main motivation for our inapproximability result stems from its relationship with the classical Discrete Time-Cost Tradeoff Problem. More specifically, our results imply that the deadline version is NP-hard to approximate within any constant assuming the Unique Games Conjecture. This explains the difficulty in obtaining good approximation algorithms for that problem and further motivates previous alternative approaches such as bicriteria approximations.Comment: 18 pages, 1 figur

    Min (A)cyclic Feedback Vertex Sets and Min Ones Monotone 3-SAT

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    In directed graphs, we investigate the problems of finding: 1) a minimum feedback vertex set (also called the Feedback Vertex Set problem, or MFVS), 2) a feedback vertex set inducing an acyclic graph (also called the Vertex 2-Coloring without Monochromatic Cycles problem, or Acyclic FVS) and 3) a minimum feedback vertex set inducing an acyclic graph (Acyclic MFVS). We show that these problems are strongly related to (variants of) Monotone 3-SAT and Monotone NAE 3-SAT, where monotone means that all literals are in positive form. As a consequence, we deduce several NP-completeness results on restricted versions of these problems. In particular, we define the 2-Choice version of an optimization problem to be its restriction where the optimum value is known to be either D or D+1 for some integer D, and the problem is reduced to decide which of D or D+1 is the optimum value. We show that the 2-Choice versions of MFVS, Acyclic MFVS, Min Ones Monotone 3-SAT and Min Ones Monotone NAE 3-SAT are NP-complete. The two latter problems are the variants of Monotone 3-SAT and respectively Monotone NAE 3-SAT requiring that the truth assignment minimize the number of variables set to true. Finally, we propose two classes of directed graphs for which Acyclic FVS is polynomially solvable, namely flow reducible graphs (for which MFVS is already known to be polynomially solvable) and C1P-digraphs (defined by an adjacency matrix with the Consecutive Ones Property)
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