718 research outputs found

    Dual and Hull code in the first two generic constructions and relationship with the Walsh transform of cryptographic functions

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    We contribute to the knowledge of linear codes from special polynomials and functions, which have been studied intensively in the past few years. Such codes have several applications in secret sharing, authentication codes, association schemes and strongly regular graphs. This is the first work in which we study the dual codes in the framework of the two generic constructions; in particular, we propose a Gram-Schmidt (complexity of O(n3)\mathcal{O}(n^3)) process to compute them explicitly. The originality of this contribution is in the study of the existence or not of defining sets Dβ€²D', which can be used as ingredients to construct the dual code Cβ€²\mathcal{C}' for a given code C\mathcal{C} in the context of the second generic construction. We also determine a necessary condition expressed by employing the Walsh transform for a codeword of C\mathcal{C} to belong in the dual. This achievement was done in general and when the involved functions are weakly regularly bent. We shall give a novel description of the Hull code in the framework of the two generic constructions. Our primary interest is constructing linear codes of fixed Hull dimension and determining the (Hamming) weight of the codewords in their duals

    A survey of complex generalized weighing matrices and a construction of quantum error-correcting codes

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    Some combinatorial designs, such as Hadamard matrices, have been extensively researched and are familiar to readers across the spectrum of Science and Engineering. They arise in diverse fields such as cryptography, communication theory, and quantum computing. Objects like this also lend themselves to compelling mathematics problems, such as the Hadamard conjecture. However, complex generalized weighing matrices, which generalize Hadamard matrices, have not received anything like the same level of scrutiny. Motivated by an application to the construction of quantum error-correcting codes, which we outline in the latter sections of this paper, we survey the existing literature on complex generalized weighing matrices. We discuss and extend upon the known existence conditions and constructions, and compile known existence results for small parameters. Some interesting quantum codes are constructed to demonstrate their value.Comment: 33 pages including appendi

    On Fields of rationality for automorphic representations

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    This paper proves two results on the field of rationality \Q(\pi) for an automorphic representation Ο€\pi, which is the subfield of \C fixed under the subgroup of \Aut(\C) stabilizing the isomorphism class of the finite part of Ο€\pi. For general linear groups and classical groups, our first main result is the finiteness of the set of discrete automorphic representations Ο€\pi such that Ο€\pi is unramified away from a fixed finite set of places, Ο€βˆž\pi_\infty has a fixed infinitesimal character, and [\Q(\pi):\Q] is bounded. The second main result is that for classical groups, [\Q(\pi):\Q] grows to infinity in a family of automorphic representations in level aspect whose infinite components are discrete series in a fixed LL-packet under mild conditions
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