2 research outputs found

    Combinatorial Dehn-Lickorish Twists and Framed Link Presentations of 3-Manifolds Revisited

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    From a pseudo-triangulation with nn tetrahedra TT of an arbitrary closed orientable connected 3-manifold (for short, {\em a 3D-space}) M3M^3, we present a gem J′J ', inducing \IS^3, with the following characteristics: (a) its number of vertices is O(n); (b) it has a set of pp pairwise disjoint couples of vertices {ui,vi}\{u_i,v_i\}, each named {\em a twistor}; (c) in the dual (J′)⋆(J ')^\star of J′J ' a twistor becomes a pair of tetrahedra with an opposite pair of edges in common, and it is named {\em a hinge}; (d) in any embedding of (J ')^\star \subset \IS^3, the ϵ\epsilon-neighborhood of each hinge is a solid torus; (e) these pp solid tori are pairwise disjoint; (f) each twistor contains the precise description on how to perform a specific surgery based in a Denh-Lickorish twist on the solid torus corresponding to it; (g) performing all these pp surgeries (at the level of the dual gems) we produce a gem G′G ' with ∣G′∣=M3|G '|=M^3; (h) in G′G ' each such surgery is accomplished by the interchange of a pair of neighbors in each pair of vertices: in particular, ∣V(G′)=∣V(J′)∣|V(G ')=|V(J ')|. This is a new proof, {\em based on a linear polynomial algorithm}, of the classical Theorem of Wallace (1960) and Lickorish (1962) that every 3D-space has a framed link presentation in \IS^3 and opens the way for an algorithmic method to actually obtaining the link by an O(n2)O(n^2)-algorithm. This is the subject of a companion paper soon to be released

    Framed link presentations of 3-manifolds by an O(n2)O(n^2) algorithm, I: gems and their duals

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    Given an special type of triangulation TT for an oriented closed 3-manifold M3M^3 we produce a framed link in S3S^3 which induces the same M3M^3 by an algorithm of complexity O(n2)O(n^2) where nn is the number of tetrahedra in TT . The special class is formed by the duals of the {\em solvable gems}. These are in practice computationaly easy to obtain from any triangulation for M3M^3. The conjecture that each closed oriented 3-manifold is induced by a solvable gem has been verified in an exhaustible way for manifolds induced by gems with few vertices. Our algorithm produces framed link presentations for well known 3-manifolds which hitherto did not one explicitly known. A consequence of this work is that the 3-manifold invariants which are presently only computed from surgery presentations (like the Witten-Reshetkhin-Turaev invariant) become computable also from triangulations. This seems to be a new and useful result. Our exposition is partitioned into 3 articles. This first article provides our motivation, some history on presentation of 3-manifolds and recall facts about gems which we need.Comment: This is a minor revision of part 1 with 11 pages and 7 figures of a 3-part articl