4 research outputs found

    Twin Regularization for online speech recognition

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    Online speech recognition is crucial for developing natural human-machine interfaces. This modality, however, is significantly more challenging than off-line ASR, since real-time/low-latency constraints inevitably hinder the use of future information, that is known to be very helpful to perform robust predictions. A popular solution to mitigate this issue consists of feeding neural acoustic models with context windows that gather some future frames. This introduces a latency which depends on the number of employed look-ahead features. This paper explores a different approach, based on estimating the future rather than waiting for it. Our technique encourages the hidden representations of a unidirectional recurrent network to embed some useful information about the future. Inspired by a recently proposed technique called Twin Networks, we add a regularization term that forces forward hidden states to be as close as possible to cotemporal backward ones, computed by a "twin" neural network running backwards in time. The experiments, conducted on a number of datasets, recurrent architectures, input features, and acoustic conditions, have shown the effectiveness of this approach. One important advantage is that our method does not introduce any additional computation at test time if compared to standard unidirectional recurrent networks.Comment: Accepted at INTESPEECH 201

    Interpretable Convolutional Filters with SincNet

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    Deep learning is currently playing a crucial role toward higher levels of artificial intelligence. This paradigm allows neural networks to learn complex and abstract representations, that are progressively obtained by combining simpler ones. Nevertheless, the internal "black-box" representations automatically discovered by current neural architectures often suffer from a lack of interpretability, making of primary interest the study of explainable machine learning techniques. This paper summarizes our recent efforts to develop a more interpretable neural model for directly processing speech from the raw waveform. In particular, we propose SincNet, a novel Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) that encourages the first layer to discover more meaningful filters by exploiting parametrized sinc functions. In contrast to standard CNNs, which learn all the elements of each filter, only low and high cutoff frequencies of band-pass filters are directly learned from data. This inductive bias offers a very compact way to derive a customized filter-bank front-end, that only depends on some parameters with a clear physical meaning. Our experiments, conducted on both speaker and speech recognition, show that the proposed architecture converges faster, performs better, and is more interpretable than standard CNNs.Comment: In Proceedings of NIPS@IRASL 2018. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1808.0015

    Speech and Speaker Recognition from Raw Waveform with SincNet

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    Deep neural networks can learn complex and abstract representations, that are progressively obtained by combining simpler ones. A recent trend in speech and speaker recognition consists in discovering these representations starting from raw audio samples directly. Differently from standard hand-crafted features such as MFCCs or FBANK, the raw waveform can potentially help neural networks discover better and more customized representations. The high-dimensional raw inputs, however, can make training significantly more challenging. This paper summarizes our recent efforts to develop a neural architecture that efficiently processes speech from audio waveforms. In particular, we propose SincNet, a novel Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) that encourages the first layer to discover meaningful filters by exploiting parametrized sinc functions. In contrast to standard CNNs, which learn all the elements of each filter, only low and high cutoff frequencies of band-pass filters are directly learned from data. This inductive bias offers a very compact way to derive a customized front-end, that only depends on some parameters with a clear physical meaning. Our experiments, conducted on both speaker and speech recognition, show that the proposed architecture converges faster, performs better, and is more computationally efficient than standard CNNs.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1811.09725, arXiv:1808.0015

    The PyTorch-Kaldi Speech Recognition Toolkit

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    The availability of open-source software is playing a remarkable role in the popularization of speech recognition and deep learning. Kaldi, for instance, is nowadays an established framework used to develop state-of-the-art speech recognizers. PyTorch is used to build neural networks with the Python language and has recently spawn tremendous interest within the machine learning community thanks to its simplicity and flexibility. The PyTorch-Kaldi project aims to bridge the gap between these popular toolkits, trying to inherit the efficiency of Kaldi and the flexibility of PyTorch. PyTorch-Kaldi is not only a simple interface between these software, but it embeds several useful features for developing modern speech recognizers. For instance, the code is specifically designed to naturally plug-in user-defined acoustic models. As an alternative, users can exploit several pre-implemented neural networks that can be customized using intuitive configuration files. PyTorch-Kaldi supports multiple feature and label streams as well as combinations of neural networks, enabling the use of complex neural architectures. The toolkit is publicly-released along with a rich documentation and is designed to properly work locally or on HPC clusters. Experiments, that are conducted on several datasets and tasks, show that PyTorch-Kaldi can effectively be used to develop modern state-of-the-art speech recognizers.Comment: Accepted at ICASSP 201