48 research outputs found

    Turing Kernelization for Finding Long Paths in Graphs Excluding a Topological Minor

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    The notion of Turing kernelization investigates whether a polynomial-time algorithm can solve an NP-hard problem, when it is aided by an oracle that can be queried for the answers to bounded-size subproblems. One of the main open problems in this direction is whether k-PATH admits a polynomial Turing kernel: can a polynomial-time algorithm determine whether an undirected graph has a simple path of length k, using an oracle that answers queries of size k^{O(1)}? We show this can be done when the input graph avoids a fixed graph H as a topological minor, thereby significantly generalizing an earlier result for bounded-degree and K_{3,t}-minor-free graphs. Moreover, we show that k-PATH even admits a polynomial Turing kernel when the input graph is not H-topological-minor-free itself, but contains a known vertex modulator of size bounded polynomially in the parameter, whose deletion makes it so. To obtain our results, we build on the graph minors decomposition to show that any H-topological-minor-free graph that does not contain a k-path has a separation that can safely be reduced after communication with the oracle

    A Hierarchy of Polynomial Kernels

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    In parameterized algorithmics, the process of kernelization is defined as a polynomial time algorithm that transforms the instance of a given problem to an equivalent instance of a size that is limited by a function of the parameter. As, afterwards, this smaller instance can then be solved to find an answer to the original question, kernelization is often presented as a form of preprocessing. A natural generalization of kernelization is the process that allows for a number of smaller instances to be produced to provide an answer to the original problem, possibly also using negation. This generalization is called Turing kernelization. Immediately, questions of equivalence occur or, when is one form possible and not the other. These have been long standing open problems in parameterized complexity. In the present paper, we answer many of these. In particular, we show that Turing kernelizations differ not only from regular kernelization, but also from intermediate forms as truth-table kernelizations. We achieve absolute results by diagonalizations and also results on natural problems depending on widely accepted complexity theoretic assumptions. In particular, we improve on known lower bounds for the kernel size of compositional problems using these assumptions

    Parameterized Algorithms for Finding Large Sparse Subgraphs:Kernelization and Beyond

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    Sunflowers Meet Sparsity: A Linear-Vertex Kernel for Weighted Clique-Packing on Sparse Graphs

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    We study the kernelization complexity of the Weighted H-Packing problem on sparse graphs. For a fixed connected graph H, in the Weighted H-Packing problem the input is a graph G, a vertex-weight function w: V (G) → N, and positive integers k, t. The question is whether there exist k vertex-disjoint subgraphs H 1, ⋯, H k of G such that H i is isomorphic to H for each i ∈ [k] and the total weight of these k · |V (H)| vertices is at least t. It is known that the (unweighted) H-Packing problem admits a kernel with O(k |V (H)|-1) vertices on general graphs, and a linear kernel on planar graphs and graphs of bounded genus. In this work, we focus on case that H is a clique on h ≥ 3 vertices (which captures Triangle Packing) and present a linear-vertex kernel for Weighted Kh-Packing on graphs of bounded expansion, along with a kernel with O(k 1+ϵ) vertices on nowhere-dense graphs for all ϵ &gt; 0. To obtain these results, we combine two powerful ingredients in a novel way: the Erdos-Rado Sunflower lemma and the theory of sparsity.</p

    Planar Disjoint Paths, Treewidth, and Kernels

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    In the Planar Disjoint Paths problem, one is given an undirected planar graph with a set of kk vertex pairs (si,ti)(s_i,t_i) and the task is to find kk pairwise vertex-disjoint paths such that the ii-th path connects sis_i to tit_i. We study the problem through the lens of kernelization, aiming at efficiently reducing the input size in terms of a parameter. We show that Planar Disjoint Paths does not admit a polynomial kernel when parameterized by kk unless coNP ⊆\subseteq NP/poly, resolving an open problem by [Bodlaender, Thomass{\'e}, Yeo, ESA'09]. Moreover, we rule out the existence of a polynomial Turing kernel unless the WK-hierarchy collapses. Our reduction carries over to the setting of edge-disjoint paths, where the kernelization status remained open even in general graphs. On the positive side, we present a polynomial kernel for Planar Disjoint Paths parameterized by k+twk + tw, where twtw denotes the treewidth of the input graph. As a consequence of both our results, we rule out the possibility of a polynomial-time (Turing) treewidth reduction to tw=kO(1)tw= k^{O(1)} under the same assumptions. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first hardness result of this kind. Finally, combining our kernel with the known techniques [Adler, Kolliopoulos, Krause, Lokshtanov, Saurabh, Thilikos, JCTB'17; Schrijver, SICOMP'94] yields an alternative (and arguably simpler) proof that Planar Disjoint Paths can be solved in time 2O(k2)⋅nO(1)2^{O(k^2)}\cdot n^{O(1)}, matching the result of [Lokshtanov, Misra, Pilipczuk, Saurabh, Zehavi, STOC'20].Comment: To appear at FOCS'23, 82 pages, 30 figure

    Sunflowers Meet Sparsity: A Linear-Vertex Kernel for Weighted Clique-Packing on Sparse Graphs

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    We study the kernelization complexity of the Weighted H-Packing problem on sparse graphs. For a fixed connected graph H, in the Weighted H-Packing problem the input is a graph G, a vertex-weight function w: V (G) → N, and positive integers k, t. The question is whether there exist k vertex-disjoint subgraphs H 1, ⋯, H k of G such that H i is isomorphic to H for each i ∈ [k] and the total weight of these k · |V (H)| vertices is at least t. It is known that the (unweighted) H-Packing problem admits a kernel with O(k |V (H)|-1) vertices on general graphs, and a linear kernel on planar graphs and graphs of bounded genus. In this work, we focus on case that H is a clique on h ≥ 3 vertices (which captures Triangle Packing) and present a linear-vertex kernel for Weighted Kh-Packing on graphs of bounded expansion, along with a kernel with O(k 1+ϵ) vertices on nowhere-dense graphs for all ϵ &gt; 0. To obtain these results, we combine two powerful ingredients in a novel way: the Erdos-Rado Sunflower lemma and the theory of sparsity.</p

    Confronting intractability via parameters

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    Counting Problems in Parameterized Complexity

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    This survey is an invitation to parameterized counting problems for readers with a background in parameterized algorithms and complexity. After an introduction to the peculiarities of counting complexity, we survey the parameterized approach to counting problems, with a focus on two topics of recent interest: Counting small patterns in large graphs, and counting perfect matchings and Hamiltonian cycles in well-structured graphs. While this survey presupposes familiarity with parameterized algorithms and complexity, we aim at explaining all relevant notions from counting complexity in a self-contained way