1 research outputs found

    Truthful resource management in wireless ad hoc networks

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    In wireless mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs), cooperation cannot be an im- plicit assumption anymore. Each profit-oriented network node has the intention to be selfish due to limited resource possession. In this dissertation, we investigate the truthful resource management that induces network nodes to reveal true information and stimulate cooperation. We propose the Transmission Power Recursive Auction Mechanism routing pro- tocol (TEAM) and the Truthful Topology Control mechanism (TRUECON) to cope with the selfish intention and achieve resource effciency in a non-cooperative envi- ronment. We prove both are strategy-proof and have some theoretic bounds on the performance. Compared with the existing routing protocols and topology control al- gorithms, TEAM and TRUECON are more effcient when dealing with the selfishness in MANETs. We conduct a study on anonymity enhancement in MANETs by reducing trans- mission power of network nodes. A routing protocol - Whisper is presented. Simu- lation results show that it has desirable properties in terms of anonymity and power effciency