44 research outputs found

    Conducting Truthful Surveys, Cheaply

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    We consider the problem of conducting a survey with the goal of obtaining an unbiased estimator of some population statistic when individuals have unknown costs (drawn from a known prior) for participating in the survey. Individuals must be compensated for their participation and are strategic agents, and so the payment scheme must incentivize truthful behavior. We derive optimal truthful mechanisms for this problem for the two goals of minimizing the variance of the estimator given a fixed budget, and minimizing the expected cost of the survey given a fixed variance goal

    Buying Private Data without Verification

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    We consider the problem of designing a survey to aggregate non-verifiable information from a privacy-sensitive population: an analyst wants to compute some aggregate statistic from the private bits held by each member of a population, but cannot verify the correctness of the bits reported by participants in his survey. Individuals in the population are strategic agents with a cost for privacy, \ie, they not only account for the payments they expect to receive from the mechanism, but also their privacy costs from any information revealed about them by the mechanism's outcome---the computed statistic as well as the payments---to determine their utilities. How can the analyst design payments to obtain an accurate estimate of the population statistic when individuals strategically decide both whether to participate and whether to truthfully report their sensitive information? We design a differentially private peer-prediction mechanism that supports accurate estimation of the population statistic as a Bayes-Nash equilibrium in settings where agents have explicit preferences for privacy. The mechanism requires knowledge of the marginal prior distribution on bits bib_i, but does not need full knowledge of the marginal distribution on the costs cic_i, instead requiring only an approximate upper bound. Our mechanism guarantees ϵ\epsilon-differential privacy to each agent ii against any adversary who can observe the statistical estimate output by the mechanism, as well as the payments made to the n1n-1 other agents jij\neq i. Finally, we show that with slightly more structured assumptions on the privacy cost functions of each agent, the cost of running the survey goes to 00 as the number of agents diverges.Comment: Appears in EC 201

    Civic Crowdfunding for Agents with Negative Valuations and Agents with Asymmetric Beliefs

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    In the last decade, civic crowdfunding has proved to be effective in generating funds for the provision of public projects. However, the existing literature deals only with citizen's with positive valuation and symmetric belief towards the project's provision. In this work, we present novel mechanisms which break these two barriers, i.e., mechanisms which incorporate negative valuation and asymmetric belief, independently. For negative valuation, we present a methodology for converting existing mechanisms to mechanisms that incorporate agents with negative valuations. Particularly, we adapt existing PPR and PPS mechanisms, to present novel PPRN and PPSN mechanisms which incentivize strategic agents to contribute to the project based on their true preference. With respect to asymmetric belief, we propose a reward scheme Belief Based Reward (BBR) based on Robust Bayesian Truth Serum mechanism. With BBR, we propose a general mechanism for civic crowdfunding which incorporates asymmetric agents. We leverage PPR and PPS, to present PPRx and PPSx. We prove that in PPRx and PPSx, agents with greater belief towards the project's provision contribute more than agents with lesser belief. Further, we also show that contributions are such that the project is provisioned at equilibrium.Comment: Accepted as full paper in IJCAI 201

    Redrawing the Boundaries on Purchasing Data from Privacy-Sensitive Individuals

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    We prove new positive and negative results concerning the existence of truthful and individually rational mechanisms for purchasing private data from individuals with unbounded and sensitive privacy preferences. We strengthen the impossibility results of Ghosh and Roth (EC 2011) by extending it to a much wider class of privacy valuations. In particular, these include privacy valuations that are based on ({\epsilon}, {\delta})-differentially private mechanisms for non-zero {\delta}, ones where the privacy costs are measured in a per-database manner (rather than taking the worst case), and ones that do not depend on the payments made to players (which might not be observable to an adversary). To bypass this impossibility result, we study a natural special setting where individuals have mono- tonic privacy valuations, which captures common contexts where certain values for private data are expected to lead to higher valuations for privacy (e.g. having a particular disease). We give new mech- anisms that are individually rational for all players with monotonic privacy valuations, truthful for all players whose privacy valuations are not too large, and accurate if there are not too many players with too-large privacy valuations. We also prove matching lower bounds showing that in some respects our mechanism cannot be improved significantly

    A Theory of Pricing Private Data

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    Personal data has value to both its owner and to institutions who would like to analyze it. Privacy mechanisms protect the owner's data while releasing to analysts noisy versions of aggregate query results. But such strict protections of individual's data have not yet found wide use in practice. Instead, Internet companies, for example, commonly provide free services in return for valuable sensitive information from users, which they exploit and sometimes sell to third parties. As the awareness of the value of the personal data increases, so has the drive to compensate the end user for her private information. The idea of monetizing private data can improve over the narrower view of hiding private data, since it empowers individuals to control their data through financial means. In this paper we propose a theoretical framework for assigning prices to noisy query answers, as a function of their accuracy, and for dividing the price amongst data owners who deserve compensation for their loss of privacy. Our framework adopts and extends key principles from both differential privacy and query pricing in data markets. We identify essential properties of the price function and micro-payments, and characterize valid solutions.Comment: 25 pages, 2 figures. Best Paper Award, to appear in the 16th International Conference on Database Theory (ICDT), 201

    Low-Cost Learning via Active Data Procurement

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    We design mechanisms for online procurement of data held by strategic agents for machine learning tasks. The challenge is to use past data to actively price future data and give learning guarantees even when an agent's cost for revealing her data may depend arbitrarily on the data itself. We achieve this goal by showing how to convert a large class of no-regret algorithms into online posted-price and learning mechanisms. Our results in a sense parallel classic sample complexity guarantees, but with the key resource being money rather than quantity of data: With a budget constraint BB, we give robust risk (predictive error) bounds on the order of 1/B1/\sqrt{B}. Because we use an active approach, we can often guarantee to do significantly better by leveraging correlations between costs and data. Our algorithms and analysis go through a model of no-regret learning with TT arriving pairs (cost, data) and a budget constraint of BB. Our regret bounds for this model are on the order of T/BT/\sqrt{B} and we give lower bounds on the same order.Comment: Full version of EC 2015 paper. Color recommended for figures but nonessential. 36 pages, of which 12 appendi

    Keeping The Physical Educator “Connected” An Examination Of Comfort Level, Usage And Professional Development Available For Technology Integration In The Curricular Area Of Physical Education

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    Schools continue to integrate the use of technology, and gymnasiums are not an exception.  The purpose of the study was to determine the comfort level of Physical Education teachers integrating technology in the gymnasium, determine types of professional development provided for technology use, and potential barriers associated with technology usage. A survey of 179 practicing Physical Education teachers located in the Midwest completed an online questionnaire. Results indicated Physical Education teachers were comfortable integrating technology but reported inadequate professional develop on technology device implementation.  These findings suggest Physical Educators are willing to integrate technology but the professional development and resources available to accomplish this is lacking. Future research should examine PETE program offerings, and additional PD opportunities offered by SHAPE America within the area of technology and Physical Education