5 research outputs found

    Trust Repair in Human-Swarm Teams+

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    Swarm robots are coordinated via simple control laws to generate emergent behaviors such as flocking, rendezvous, and deployment. Human-swarm teaming has been widely proposed for scenarios, such as human-supervised teams of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) for disaster rescue, UAV and ground vehicle cooperation for building security, and soldier-UAV teaming in combat. Effective cooperation requires an appropriate level of trust, between a human and a swarm. When an UAV swarm is deployed in a real-world environment, its performance is subject to real-world factors, such as system reliability and wind disturbances. Degraded performance of a robot can cause undesired swarm behaviors, decreasing human trust. This loss of trust, in turn, can trigger human intervention in UAVs' task executions, decreasing cooperation effectiveness if inappropriate. Therefore, to promote effective cooperation we propose and test a trust-repairing method (Trust-repair) restoring performance and human trust in the swarm to an appropriate level by correcting undesired swarm behaviors. Faulty swarms caused by both external and internal factors were simulated to evaluate the performance of the Trust-repair algorithm in repairing swarm performance and restoring human trust. Results show that Trust-repair is effective in restoring trust to a level intermediate between normal and faulty conditions

    Crowd Vetting: Rejecting Adversaries via Collaboration--with Application to Multi-Robot Flocking

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    We characterize the advantage of using a robot's neighborhood to find and eliminate adversarial robots in the presence of a Sybil attack. We show that by leveraging the opinions of its neighbors on the trustworthiness of transmitted data, robots can detect adversaries with high probability. We characterize a number of communication rounds required to achieve this result to be a function of the communication quality and the proportion of legitimate to malicious robots. This result enables increased resiliency of many multi-robot algorithms. Because our results are finite time and not asymptotic, they are particularly well-suited for problems with a time critical nature. We develop two algorithms, \emph{FindSpoofedRobots} that determines trusted neighbors with high probability, and \emph{FindResilientAdjacencyMatrix} that enables distributed computation of graph properties in an adversarial setting. We apply our methods to a flocking problem where a team of robots must track a moving target in the presence of adversarial robots. We show that by using our algorithms, the team of robots are able to maintain tracking ability of the dynamic target

    Human–Autonomy Teaming: Definitions, Debates, and Directions

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    Researchers are beginning to transition from studying human–automation interaction to human–autonomy teaming. This distinction has been highlighted in recent literature, and theoretical reasons why the psychological experience of humans interacting with autonomy may vary and affect subsequent collaboration outcomes are beginning to emerge (de Visser et al., 2018; Wynne and Lyons, 2018). In this review, we do a deep dive into human–autonomy teams (HATs) by explaining the differences between automation and autonomy and by reviewing the domain of human–human teaming to make inferences for HATs. We examine the domain of human–human teaming to extrapolate a few core factors that could have relevance for HATs. Notably, these factors involve critical social elements within teams that are central (as argued in this review) for HATs. We conclude by highlighting some research gaps that researchers should strive toward answering, which will ultimately facilitate a more nuanced and complete understanding of HATs in a variety of real-world contexts