435 research outputs found

    Tropicalization of classical moduli spaces

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    The image of the complement of a hyperplane arrangement under a monomial map can be tropicalized combinatorially using matroid theory. We apply this to classical moduli spaces that are associated with complex reflection arrangements. Starting from modular curves, we visit the Segre cubic, the Igusa quartic, and moduli of marked del Pezzo surfaces of degrees 2 and 3. Our primary example is the Burkhardt quartic, whose tropicalization is a 3-dimensional fan in 39-dimensional space. This effectuates a synthesis of concrete and abstract approaches to tropical moduli of genus 2 curves.Comment: 33 page

    Moduli spaces of rational weighted stable curves and tropical geometry

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    We study moduli spaces of rational weighted stable tropical curves, and their connections with the classical Hassett spaces. Given a vector w of weights, the moduli space of tropical w-stable curves can be given the structure of a balanced fan if and only if w has only heavy and light entries. In this case, we can express the moduli space as the Bergman fan of a graphic matroid. Furthermore, we realize the tropical moduli space as a geometric tropicalization, and as a Berkovich skeleton, of the classical moduli space. This builds on previous work of Tevelev, Gibney--Maclagan, and Abramovich--Caporaso--Payne. Finally, we construct the moduli spaces of heavy/light weighted tropical curves as fiber products of unweighted spaces, and explore parallels with the algebraic world.Comment: 26 pages, 8 TikZ figures. v3: Minor changes and corrections. Final version to appear in Forum of Mathematics, Sigm

    Tropicalization of the moduli space of stable maps

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    Let XX be an algebraic variety and let SS be a tropical variety associated to XX. We study the tropicalization map from the moduli space of stable maps into XX to the moduli space of tropical curves in SS. We prove that it is a continuous map and that its image is compact and polyhedral. Loosely speaking, when we deform algebraic curves in XX, the associated tropical curves in SS deform continuously; moreover, the locus of realizable tropical curves inside the space of all tropical curves is compact and polyhedral. Our main tools are Berkovich spaces, formal models, balancing conditions, vanishing cycles and quantifier elimination for rigid subanalytic sets.Comment: I improved the theorems using parametrized tropical curves in Mathematische Zeitschrift, 201

    The tropicalization of the moduli space of curves

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    We show that the skeleton of the Deligne-Mumford-Knudsen moduli stack of stable curves is naturally identified with the moduli space of extended tropical curves, and that this is compatible with the "naive" set-theoretic tropicalization map. The proof passes through general structure results on the skeleton of a toroidal Deligne-Mumford stack. Furthermore, we construct tautological forgetful, clutching, and gluing maps between moduli spaces of extended tropical curves and show that they are compatible with the analogous tautological maps in the algebraic setting.Comment: v2: 55 pages. Expanded Section 2 with improved treatment of the category of generalized cone complexes. Clarified the role of the coarse moduli space and its analytification in the construction of the skeleton for a toroidal DM stac

    Tropical geometry of moduli spaces of weighted stable curves

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    Hassett's moduli spaces of weighted stable curves form an important class of alternate modular compactifications of the moduli space of smooth curves with marked points. In this article we define a tropical analogue of these moduli spaces and show that the naive set-theoretic tropicalization map can be identified with a natural deformation retraction onto the non-Archimedean skeleton. This result generalizes work of Abramovich, Caporaso, and Payne treating the Deligne-Knudsen-Mumford compactification of the moduli space of smooth curves with marked points. We also study tropical analogues of the tautological maps, investigate the dependence of the tropical moduli spaces on the weight data, and consider the example of Losev-Manin spaces.Comment: 25 pages, minor revisions, added further pictures as well as Section 6.2 discussing a tropical analogue of Kapranov's construction of \Mbar_{0,n}. To appear in the Journal of the London Mathematical Societ

    Functorial tropicalization of logarithmic schemes: The case of constant coefficients

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    The purpose of this article is to develop foundational techniques from logarithmic geometry in order to define a functorial tropicalization map for fine and saturated logarithmic schemes in the case of constant coefficients. Our approach crucially uses the theory of fans in the sense of K. Kato and generalizes Thuillier's retraction map onto the non-Archimedean skeleton in the toroidal case. For the convenience of the reader many examples as well as an introductory treatment of the theory of Kato fans are included.Comment: v4: 33 pages. Restructured introduction, otherwise minor changes. To appear in the Proceedings of the LM
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