4 research outputs found

    Design and implementation of a low-cost home automation and monitoring IoT system using message que telemetry transport protocol : South Africa context

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    Abstract: Home automation is a fast and growing industry in South Africa, because in recent years almost everything home and office electrical and electronics appliances are been connected to the internet and human mobile devices. There is an increase in demand of time from the working class and hence the busy time schedule. This necessitate the home automation and monitoring systems which enable homeowners to remotely monitor and control appliances in their houses and offices without being present in the device physical location. The designed system host the integrated intelligent unit functionalities that enable communication between the controller and remote end-user units of the system. It is important to ensure that home automation systems have a low cost to enable user adoption. Home automation systems should also incorporate latest technology, portability and also have internet connectivity capabilities. This paper proposes a design of low-cost home automation system that incorporates internet access and delivers internet of things (IoT) connectivity services in a smart home application. The designed system provides access to an internet connected home automation systems. The system is accessible via mobile devices and provides remote access to home appliances. In conclusion, during measurement and testing of the designed system, device full duplex connection for one round trip was less that 5seconds to relay a message packet between the transmitter subscriber device and the publisher receiver device. The performance of the designed device is satisfactory at first iteration prototype designed

    The Intersection of Cloud Computing and Smart Cities: An Exploratory Review of Applications and Challenges in Deployment

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    This research addressed the intersection of cloud computing and smart cities. Cloud computing and smart cities are two areas that are seeing fast expansion and have the potential to transform the manner in which we work and live. Cloud computing facilitates the supply of on-demand computing resources, including storage, networking, and software, via the internet; and smart cities use technology to improve the quality of life for inhabitants and the efficiency of municipal services. According to the findings of the research, cloud computing has the potential to be used in diverse applications within smart cities. Some examples of these applications include smart transportation, smart lighting, smart buildings, smart waste management, smart healthcare, smart parking, and smart citizen services. This study also drew attention to a number of obstacles that need to be overcome before cloud computing may be properly implemented. Concerns around data security and privacy, network and connection, interoperability, dependency on internet access, cost and scalability, and the need for successful cooperation between municipal authorities, technology suppliers, and residents are examples of these problems. The findings of the research indicate that the potential for cloud computing to significantly improve the capabilities of smart cities should not be underestimated, despite the fact that there are considerable obstacles to be addressed. It will be vital for municipal authorities, technology providers, and residents to collaborate to overcome the problems and establish successful methods for adopting cloud computing in smart cities if this promise is going to be realized

    Sistema de iluminação inteligente: economia de energia e monitoramento de ambiente utilizando MQTT

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    TCC(graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro Tecnológico. Engenharia Eletrônica.A adoção da Internet das Coisas em dispositivos do cotidiano já é uma tendência inevitável. Esse conjunto de tecnologias pode ser explorado em diversas aplicações. No ambiente de trabalho, uma boa iluminação é um fator relevante para a produtividade e pode até reduzir acidentes. Este trabalho visa abordar essa questão, propondo um sistema de iluminação inteligente capaz de se adequar à presença de pessoas. Para isso, foi desenvolvido um protótipo utilizando microcontroladores ESP8266. O sistema foi dividido em um dispositivo central, que controla as lâmpadas, e dispositivos periféricos, que monitoram a luminosidade e a presença em pontos específicos do ambiente. Os dispositivos possuem conexão Wi-Fi, e se comunicam utilizando o protocolo MQTT. Através de um breve processo de calibração, a central é capaz de reconhecer como cada lâmpada afeta cada ponto da sala, e garantir que a luminosidade está dentro do limiar estabelecido sempre que há a detecção de presença. No final, o protótipo do sistema foi colocado à prova através de um ambiente simulado e obteve sucesso em controlar adequadamente as lâmpadas.The adoption of Internet of Things in everyday devices is already an inevitable trend. This set of technologies can be explored in several applications. In the work environment, a well-adjusted lighting is a relevant factor for productivity and can even contribute to the reduction of accidents. This work aims to address this issue, proposing an intelligent lighting system capable of adapting to the presence of people. Thus, a prototype was developed using ESP8266 microcontrollers. The system was divided into a central device, which controls the lamps, and peripheral devices, which monitor brightness and presence at specific points of the environment. The devices support Wi-Fi connection, and communicate using the MQTT protocol. Through a brief calibration process, the central device can recognize how each lamp affects each point in the room and ensure that the brightness is within the established threshold whenever presence is detected. In the end, the system prototype was tested on a simulated environment and successfully controlled the lamps