4 research outputs found

    Tree-oriented vs. line-oriented Observation-Based Slicing

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    Observation-based slicing is a recently-introduced, language-independent slicing technique based on the dependencies observable from program behavior. The original algorithm processed traditional source code at the line-of-text level. A recent variation was developed to slice the tree-based XML representation of executable models. We ported the model slicer to source code using srcML to construct a tree-based representation of traditional source code. We present the results of a comparison of the two slicers using four experiments involving seventeen different programs, including classic benchmarks and larger production systems. The resulting slices had essentially the same size and quite often the same content. Where they differ, the use of tree structure traded an ability to remove unnecessary parts of a statement for the requirement of maintaining aspect of the code structure. Comparing the slicers finds that each has its advantages. For example, when the tree representation facilitates the deletion of large chunks of code, the tree slicer was over eight times faster. In contrast, when slicing C++ code it was over nine times slower because of the multitude of small trees created to support C++ syntax. Given the pros and cons of the two, the results suggest the value of their hybrid combination

    PyGGI 2.0: Language independent genetic improvement framework

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    PyGGI is a research tool for Genetic Improvement (GI), that is designed to be versatile and easy to use. We present version 2.0 of PyGGI, the main feature of which is an XML-based intermediate program representation. It allows users to easily define GI operators and algorithms that can be reused with multiple target languages. Using the new version of PyGGI, we present two case studies. First, we conduct an Automated Program Repair (APR) experiment with the QuixBugs benchmark, one that contains defective programs in both Python and Java. Second, we replicate an existing work on runtime improvement through program specialisation for the MiniSAT satisfiability solver. PyGGI 2.0 was able to generate a patch for a bug not previously fixed by any APR tool. It was also able to achieve 14% runtime improvement in the case of MiniSAT. The presented results show the applicability and the expressiveness of the new version of PyGGI. A video of the tool demo is at: https://youtu.be/PxRUdlRDS40

    A comparison of tree- and line-oriented observational slicing

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    Observation-based slicing and its generalization observational slicing are recently-introduced, language-independent dynamic slicing techniques. They both construct slices based on the dependencies observed during program execution, rather than static or dynamic dependence analysis. The original implementation of the observation-based slicing algorithm used lines of source code as its program representation. A recent variation, developed to slice modelling languages (such as Simulink), used an XML representation of an executable model. We ported the XML slicer to source code by constructing a tree representation of traditional source code through the use of srcML. This work compares the tree- and line-based slicers using four experiments involving twenty different programs, ranging from classic benchmarks to million-line production systems. The resulting slices are essentially the same size for the majority of the programs and are often identical. However, structural constraints imposed by the tree representation sometimes force the slicer to retain enclosing control structures. It can also “bog down” trying to delete single-token subtrees. This occasionally makes the tree-based slices larger and the tree-based slicer slower than a parallelised version of the line-based slicer. In addition, a Java versus C comparison finds that the two languages lead to similar slices, but Java code takes noticeably longer to slice. The initial experiments suggest two improvements to the tree-based slicer: the addition of a size threshold, for ignoring small subtrees, and subtree replacement. The former enables the slicer to run 3.4 times faster while producing slices that are only about 9% larger. At the same time the subtree replacement reduces size by about 8–12% and allows the tree-based slicer to produce more natural slices

    Generalized observational slicing for tree-represented modelling languages

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    Model-driven software engineering raises the abstraction level making complex systems easier to understand than if written in textual code. Nevertheless, large complicated software systems can have large models, motivating the need for slicing techniques that reduce the size of a model. We present a generalization of observation-based slicing that allows the criterion to be defined using a variety of kinds of observable behavior and does not require any complex dependence analysis. We apply our implementation of generalized observational slicing for tree-structured representations to Simulink models. The resulting slice might be the subset of the original model responsible for an observed failure or simply the sub-model semantically related to a classic slicing criterion. Unlike its predecessors, the algorithm is also capable of slicing embedded Stateflow state machines. A study of nine real-world models drawn from four different application domains demonstrates the effectiveness of our approach at dramatically reducing Simulink model sizes for realistic observation scenarios: for 9 out of 20 cases, the resulting model has fewer than 25% of the original model's elements