2 research outputs found

    Tree Search Network for Sparse Regression

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    We consider the classical sparse regression problem of recovering a sparse signal x0x_0 given a measurement vector y=Φx0+wy = \Phi x_0+w. We propose a tree search algorithm driven by the deep neural network for sparse regression (TSN). TSN improves the signal reconstruction performance of the deep neural network designed for sparse regression by performing a tree search with pruning. It is observed in both noiseless and noisy cases, TSN recovers synthetic and real signals with lower complexity than a conventional tree search and is superior to existing algorithms by a large margin for various types of the sensing matrix Φ\Phi, widely used in sparse regression

    Fourier Phase Retrieval with Extended Support Estimation via Deep Neural Network

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    We consider the problem of sparse phase retrieval from Fourier transform magnitudes to recover the kk-sparse signal vector and its support T\mathcal{T}. We exploit extended support estimate E\mathcal{E} with size larger than kk satisfying E⊇T\mathcal{E} \supseteq \mathcal{T} and obtained by a trained deep neural network (DNN). To make the DNN learnable, it provides E\mathcal{E} as the union of equivalent solutions of T\mathcal{T} by utilizing modulo Fourier invariances. Set E\mathcal{E} can be estimated with short running time via the DNN, and support T\mathcal{T} can be determined from the DNN output rather than from the full index set by applying hard thresholding to E\mathcal{E}. Thus, the DNN-based extended support estimation improves the reconstruction performance of the signal with a low complexity burden dependent on kk. Numerical results verify that the proposed scheme has a superior performance with lower complexity compared to local search-based greedy sparse phase retrieval and a state-of-the-art variant of the Fienup method