28 research outputs found

    Transport Layer Performance in 5G mmWave Cellular

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    The millimeter wave (mmWave) bands are likely to play a significant role in next generation cellular systems due to the possibility of very high throughput thanks to the availability of massive bandwidth and high-dimensional antennas. Especially in Non-Line-of-Sight conditions, significant variations in the received RF power can occur as a result of the scattering from nearby building and terrain surfaces. Scattering objects come and go as the user moves through the local environment. At the higher end of the mmWave band, rough surface scatter generates cluster-based small-scale fading, where signal levels can vary by more than 20 dB over just a few wavelengths. This high level of channel variability may present significant challenges for congestion control. Using our recently developed end-to-end mmWave ns3-based framework, this paper presents the first performance evaluation of TCP congestion control in next-generation mmWave networks. Importantly, the framework can incorporate detailed models of the mmWave channel, beam- forming and tracking algorithms, and builds on statistical channel models derived from real measurements in New York City, as well as detailed ray traces

    60 GHz Blockage Study Using Phased Arrays

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    The millimeter wave (mmWave) frequencies offer the potential for enormous capacity wireless links. However, designing robust communication systems at these frequencies requires that we understand the channel dynamics over both time and space: mmWave signals are extremely vulnerable to blocking and the channel can thus rapidly appear and disappear with small movement of obstacles and reflectors. In rich scattering environments, different paths may experience different blocking trajectories and understanding these multi-path blocking dynamics is essential for developing and assessing beamforming and beam-tracking algorithms. This paper presents the design and experimental results of a novel measurement system which uses phased arrays to perform mmWave dynamic channel measurements. Specifically, human blockage and its effects across multiple paths are investigated with only several microseconds between successive measurements. From these measurements we develop a modeling technique which uses low-rank tensor factorization to separate the available paths so that their joint statistics can be understood.Comment: To appear in the Proceedings of the 51st Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, 201

    Performance Comparison of Dual Connectivity and Hard Handover for LTE-5G Tight Integration

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    Communications at frequencies above 10 GHz (the mmWave band) are expected to play a major role for the next generation of cellular networks (5G), because of the potential multi-gigabit, ultra-low latency performance of this technology. mmWave frequencies however suffer from very high isotropic pathloss, which may result in cells with a much smaller coverage area than current LTE macrocells. High directionality techniques will be used to improve signal quality and extend coverage area, along with a high density deployment of mmWave base stations (BS). However, when propagation conditions are hard and it is difficult to provide high quality coverage with mmWave BS, it is necessary to rely on previous generation LTE base stations, which make use of lower frequencies (900 MHz - 3.5 GHz), which are less sensitive to blockage and experience lower pathloss. In order to provide ultra-reliable services to mobile users there is a need for network architectures that tightly and seamlessly integrate the LTE and mmWave Radio Access Technologies. In this paper we will present two possible alternatives for this integration and show how simulation tools can be used to assess and compare their performance.Comment: This paper was accepted for presentation at the ninth EAI SIMUtools 2016 conference, August 22 - 23, 2016, Prague, Czech Republi

    TCP in 5G mmWave Networks: Link Level Retransmissions and MP-TCP

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    MmWave communications, one of the cornerstones of future 5G mobile networks, are characterized at the same time by a potential multi-gigabit capacity and by a very dynamic channel, sensitive to blockage, wide fluctuations in the received signal quality, and possibly also sudden link disruption. While the performance of physical and MAC layer schemes that address these issues has been thoroughly investigated in the literature, the complex interactions between mmWave links and transport layer protocols such as TCP are still relatively unexplored. This paper uses the ns-3 mmWave module, with its channel model based on real measurements in New York City, to analyze the performance of the Linux TCP/IP stack (i) with and without link-layer retransmissions, showing that they are fundamental to reach a high TCP throughput on mmWave links and (ii) with Multipath TCP (MP-TCP) over multiple LTE and mmWave links, illustrating which are the throughput-optimal combinations of secondary paths and congestion control algorithms in different conditions.Comment: 6 pages, 11 figures, accepted for presentation at the 2017 IEEE Conference on Computer Communications Workshops (INFOCOM WKSHPS

    Reliable Video Streaming over mmWave with Multi Connectivity and Network Coding

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    The next generation of multimedia applications will require the telecommunication networks to support a higher bitrate than today, in order to deliver virtual reality and ultra-high quality video content to the users. Most of the video content will be accessed from mobile devices, prompting the provision of very high data rates by next generation (5G) cellular networks. A possible enabler in this regard is communication at mmWave frequencies, given the vast amount of available spectrum that can be allocated to mobile users; however, the harsh propagation environment at such high frequencies makes it hard to provide a reliable service. This paper presents a reliable video streaming architecture for mmWave networks, based on multi connectivity and network coding, and evaluates its performance using a novel combination of the ns-3 mmWave module, real video traces and the network coding library Kodo. The results show that it is indeed possible to reliably stream video over cellular mmWave links, while the combination of multi connectivity and network coding can support high video quality with low latency.Comment: To be presented at the 2018 IEEE International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications (ICNC), March 2018, Maui, Hawaii, USA (invited paper). 6 pages, 4 figure

    X-TCP: A Cross Layer Approach for TCP Uplink Flows in mmWave Networks

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    Millimeter wave frequencies will likely be part of the fifth generation of mobile networks and of the 3GPP New Radio (NR) standard. MmWave communication indeed provides a very large bandwidth, thus an increased cell throughput, but how to exploit these resources at the higher layers is still an open research question. A very relevant issue is the high variability of the channel, caused by the blockage from obstacles and the human body. This affects the design of congestion control mechanisms at the transport layer, and state-of-the-art TCP schemes such as TCP CUBIC present suboptimal performance. In this paper, we present a cross layer approach for uplink flows that adjusts the congestion window of TCP at the mobile equipment side using an estimation of the available data rate at the mmWave physical layer, based on the actual resource allocation and on the Signal to Interference plus Noise Ratio. We show that this approach reduces the latency, avoiding to fill the buffers in the cellular stack, and has a quicker recovery time after RTO events than several other TCP congestion control algorithms.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, accepted for presentation at the 2017 16th Annual Mediterranean Ad Hoc Networking Workshop (MED-HOC-NET

    Will TCP work in mmWave 5G Cellular Networks?

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    The vast available spectrum in the millimeter wave (mmWave) bands offers the possibility of multi-Gbps data rates for fifth generation (5G) cellular networks. However, mmWave capacity can be highly intermittent due to the vulnerability of mmWave signals to blockages and delays in directional searching. Such highly variable links present unique challenges for adaptive control mechanisms in transport layer protocols and end-to-end applications. This paper considers the fundamental question of whether TCP - the most widely used transport protocol - will work in mmWave cellular systems. The paper provides a comprehensive simulation study of TCP considering various factors such as the congestion control algorithm, including the recently proposed TCP BBR, edge vs. remote servers, handover and multi- connectivity, TCP packet size and 3GPP-stack parameters. We show that the performance of TCP on mmWave links is highly dependent on different combinations of these parameters, and identify the open challenges in this area.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, 2 tables. To be published in the IEEE Communication Magazin

    milliProxy: a TCP Proxy Architecture for 5G mmWave Cellular Systems

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    TCP is the most widely used transport protocol in the internet. However, it offers suboptimal performance when operating over high bandwidth mmWave links. The main issues introduced by communications at such high frequencies are (i) the sensitivity to blockage and (ii) the high bandwidth fluctuations due to Line of Sight (LOS) to Non Line of Sight (NLOS) transitions and vice versa. In particular, TCP has an abstract view of the end-to-end connection, which does not properly capture the dynamics of the wireless mmWave link. The consequence is a suboptimal utilization of the available resources. In this paper we propose a TCP proxy architecture that improves the performance of TCP flows without any modification at the remote sender side. The proxy is installed in the Radio Access Network, and exploits information available at the gNB in order to maximize throughput and minimize latency.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, 2 tables, presented at the 2017 51st Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers, Pacific Grove, CA, 201