1 research outputs found

    Transparency- Activity Theory-Guided Support for Information Work

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    Information work is characterized by non-routine problem solving and a highly context-dependent execution of work processes. Moreover, frequent switches between work items are typical for this kind of work, making frequent adaptation and reevaluation of the work context necessary. As the work structure emerges ad-hoc, it is difficult for the information worker to keep track of all ongoing activities. Yet, the non-standardized execution of work processes prevents the use of common workflow management systems. For this very reason, existing tools for information work support often focus on support for the organization of information objects, but neglect the work process perspective. In this paper, we employ a systems design method based on activity theory to elicit requirements for knowledge work tools, focusing on interruptions and a loss of work overview. We address these requirements with a tool named Transparency that improves information work process awareness. We present two design cycles with real world evaluations