700 research outputs found

    New dispatching paradigm in power systems including EV charging stations and dispersed generation: A real test case

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    Electric Vehicles (EVs) are becoming one of the main answers to the decarbonization of the transport sector and Renewable Energy Sources (RES) to the decarbonization of the electricity production sector. Nevertheless, their impact on the electric grids cannot be neglected. New paradigms for the management of the grids where they are connected, which are typically distribution grids in Medium Voltage (MV) and Low Voltage (LV), are necessary. A reform of dispatching rules, including the management of distribution grids and the resources there connected, is in progress in Europe. In this paper, a new paradigm linked to the design of reform is proposed and then tested, in reference to a real distribution grid, operated by the main Italian Distribution System Operator (DSO), e-distribuzione. First, in reference to suitable future scenarios of spread of RES-based power plants and EVs charging stations (EVCS), using Power Flow (PF) models, a check of the operation of the distribution grid, in reference to the usual rules of management, is made. Second, a new dispatching model, involving DSO and the resources connected to its grids, is tested, using an Optimal Power Flow (OPF) algorithm. Results show that the new paradigm of dispatching can effectively be useful for preventing some operation problems of the distribution grids

    Energy storage for the electricity grid : benefits and market potential assessment guide : a study for the DOE Energy Storage Systems Program.

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    This guide describes a high-level, technology-neutral framework for assessing potential benefits from and economic market potential for energy storage used for electric-utility-related applications. The overarching theme addressed is the concept of combining applications/benefits into attractive value propositions that include use of energy storage, possibly including distributed and/or modular systems. Other topics addressed include: high-level estimates of application-specific lifecycle benefit (10 years) in /kWandmaximummarketpotential(10years)inMW.Combined,thesecriteriaindicatetheeconomicpotential(in/kW and maximum market potential (10 years) in MW. Combined, these criteria indicate the economic potential (in Millions) for a given energy storage application/benefit. The benefits and value propositions characterized provide an important indication of storage system cost targets for system and subsystem developers, vendors, and prospective users. Maximum market potential estimates provide developers, vendors, and energy policymakers with an indication of the upper bound of the potential demand for storage. The combination of the value of an individual benefit (in $/kW) and the corresponding maximum market potential estimate (in MW) indicates the possible impact that storage could have on the U.S. economy. The intended audience for this document includes persons or organizations needing a framework for making first-cut or high-level estimates of benefits for a specific storage project and/or those seeking a high-level estimate of viable price points and/or maximum market potential for their products. Thus, the intended audience includes: electric utility planners, electricity end users, non-utility electric energy and electric services providers, electric utility regulators and policymakers, intermittent renewables advocates and developers, Smart Grid advocates and developers, storage technology and project developers, and energy storage advocates

    Battery Energy Storage Systems in the United Kingdom: A Review of Current State-of-the-Art and Future Applications

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    The number of battery energy storage systems (BESSs) installed in the United Kingdom and worldwide is growing rapidly due to a variety of factors, including technological improvements, reduced costs and the ability to provide various ancillary services. The aim of this paper is to carry out a comprehensive literature review on this technology, its applications in power systems and to identify potential future developments. At first, the main BESSs projects in the UK are presented and classified. The parameters provided for each project include rated power, battery technology and ancillary services provided, if any. In the next section, the most commonly deployed ancillary services are classified and described. At the same time, the nomenclature found in the literature is explained and harmonised. The second part of the paper focuses on future developments and research gaps: ancillary services that currently are not common but that are likely to be deployed more widely in the future will be described, and more general research topics related to the development of BESSs for power system applications will be outlined

    Valuing dedicated storage in electricity grids - EASAC policy report 33

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    Battery Electric Storage Systems: Advances, Challenges, and Market Trends

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    The increasing integration of renewable energy sources (RESs) and the growing demand for sustainable power solutions have necessitated the widespread deployment of energy storage systems. Among these systems, battery energy storage systems (BESSs) have emerged as a promising technology due to their flexibility, scalability, and cost-effectiveness. This paper aims to provide a comprehensive review of the diffusion and deployment of BESSs across various applications, analyzing their impact on grid stability, renewable energy integration, and the overall energy transition. The paper examines the key drivers and challenges associated with BESS adoption, as well as market trends influencing their proliferation. Through an analysis of empirical data, this study aims to shed light on the current state of BESS diffusion. Finally, this research contributes to the knowledge base surrounding battery storage technology and provides insights into its role in achieving a sustainable and reliable energy future

    Ancillary Service Revenue Opportunities from Electric Vehicles via Demand Response

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    Driven by a variety of factors including falling costs, environmental impacts, and state mandates, the integration of renewable energy on the U. S. electrical grid is increasing. While studies have shown that the existing electric grid system can absorb this load with the addition of considerable transmission and distribution infrastructure over the next few decades, the effect that intermittent solar and wind resources may have on the operational flexibility of the grid are less known. This poses a unique challenge for the Regional Transmission Organizations (RTO), Independent System Operators (ISO), and other grid operators that are responsible for procuring and coordinating ancillary services that support and maintain the reliable operation of the interconnected transmission system. As additional renewables are added to the system, they must secure enough services to account for small disparities between the quantity and quality of the energy output of these variable sources and those of the dispatchable resources responsible for the majority of electricity generation. In certain regions, these organizations not only determine the existence, definition, and pricing of these ancillary services, but also enable a range of generation, transmission, system control, and distribution system stakeholders to trade these products on open markets. Perhaps the most promising, but least proven, providers of ancillary services are electric energy storage (EES) technologies such as flywheels and advanced batteries. These devices store and release electric energy on demand and are prized for their fidelity and rapid response functionality. However, high costs associated with the operation of EES assets have prevented their deployment at a meaningful scale. The large-scale adoption of electric vehicles (EVs) presents an opportunity to overcome this barrier. Recent advancements in demand response, vehicle-to-grid (V2G), and battery technologies suggest that networks of aggregated battery EVs may soon be a reality. Research suggests these networks could provide EES-based ancillary services at a competitive price. The purpose of this project is to provide a technical and economic analysis of the ability of EV networks to deliver ancillary services associated with the integration of renewables within the California Independent System Operator (CAISO) market area, and identify which ancillary services are best suited for EES. The California ISO region was selected for three reasons. Firstly, California is predicted to contain the highest concentration of early EV adopters in the US. Secondly, state regulators generally maintain a progressive stance towards renewable energy and EES. Finally, research suggests a causal relationship between increased renewable energy penetration and increased demand for two primary types of ancillary services within the CAISO region: frequency regulation and operating reserves. This report examines the potential impact of renewables on the ancillary service market under the CAISO, and focuses on the ability of EVs to provide such services via demand response and V2G. The document also presents a revenue model that incorporates potential scenarios regarding EV adoption, electricity prices, and driver behavior. The output of the model determines the overall revenue opportunity for aggregators who plan to provide DR-EV. While EVs and renewable energy technologies are often mentioned in the same breath as cornerstones of a low-carbon future, the relationship between the two technologies remain nebulous. Our hope is that the conclusions herein will facilitate the transition to a sustainable transportation system by highlighting important synergies and related potential business opportunities. In order to color our analysis and inform our assumptions, we relied on a number of private and public sector organizations. When considering the integration of renewables, we turned primarily to the California Public Utility Commission and the CAISO. To understand ancillary services and their markets, we relied on ORNL and EPRI reports and personnel. Similarly, we used published reports to model EV adoption rates and patterns. We also interviewed EV, EES, and renewable energy experts from the DR-EV Ancillary Services Study 7 University of Michigan to determine the capabilities and limitations of these technologies. Finally, the team met with experts from numerous advanced battery, utilities, and other industry stakeholders to collect supplementary information.Master of ScienceNatural Resources and EnvironmentUniversity of Michiganhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/83544/1/Better Place Masters Project Final Report.pdfhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/83544/2/Better Place Masters Project Slides.ppt

    The Role of Domestic Integrated Battery Energy Storage Systems for Electricity Network Performance Enhancement

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    Low carbon technologies are necessary to address global warming issues through electricity decabonisation, but their large-scale integration challenges the stability and security of electricity supply. Energy storage can support this transition by bringing flexibility to the grid but since it represents high capital investments, the right choices must be made in terms of the technology and the location point in the network. Most of the potential for storage is achieved when connected further from the load, and Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) are a strong candidate for behind-the-meter integration. This work reviews and evaluates the state-of-the-art development of BESS, analysing the benefits and barriers to a wider range of applications in the domestic sector. Existing modelling tools that are key for a better assessment of the impacts of BESS to the grid are also reviewed. It is shown that the technology exists and has potential for including Electric Vehicle battery reuse, however it is still mostly applied to optimise domestic photovoltaic electricity utilisation. The barriers to a wider integration are financial, economic, technical, as well as market and regulation. Increased field trials and robust numerical modelling should be the next step to gain investment confidence and allow BESS to reach their potential
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