7,885 research outputs found

    Automatic evaluation of generation and parsing for machine translation with automatically acquired transfer rules

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    This paper presents a new method of evaluation for generation and parsing components of transfer-based MT systems where the transfer rules have been automatically acquired from parsed sentence-aligned bitext corpora. The method provides a means of quantifying the upper bound imposed on the MT system by the quality of the parsing and generation technologies for the target language. We include experiments to calculate this upper bound for both handcrafted and automatically induced parsing and generation technologies currently in use by transfer-based MT systems

    Results of the WMT19 metrics shared task: segment-level and strong MT systems pose big challenges

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    This paper presents the results of the WMT19 Metrics Shared Task. Participants were asked to score the outputs of the translations systems competing in the WMT19 News Translation Task with automatic metrics. 13 research groups submitted 24 metrics, 10 of which are reference-less "metrics" and constitute submissions to the joint task with WMT19 Quality Estimation Task, "QE as a Metric". In addition, we computed 11 baseline metrics, with 8 commonly applied baselines (BLEU, SentBLEU, NIST, WER, PER, TER, CDER, and chrF) and 3 reimplementations (chrF+, sacreBLEU-BLEU, and sacreBLEU-chrF). Metrics were evaluated on the system level, how well a given metric correlates with the WMT19 official manual ranking, and segment level, how well the metric correlates with human judgements of segment quality. This year, we use direct assessment (DA) as our only form of manual evaluation

    Transfer Learning in Multilingual Neural Machine Translation with Dynamic Vocabulary

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    We propose a method to transfer knowledge across neural machine translation (NMT) models by means of a shared dynamic vocabulary. Our approach allows to extend an initial model for a given language pair to cover new languages by adapting its vocabulary as long as new data become available (i.e., introducing new vocabulary items if they are not included in the initial model). The parameter transfer mechanism is evaluated in two scenarios: i) to adapt a trained single language NMT system to work with a new language pair and ii) to continuously add new language pairs to grow to a multilingual NMT system. In both the scenarios our goal is to improve the translation performance, while minimizing the training convergence time. Preliminary experiments spanning five languages with different training data sizes (i.e., 5k and 50k parallel sentences) show a significant performance gain ranging from +3.85 up to +13.63 BLEU in different language directions. Moreover, when compared with training an NMT model from scratch, our transfer-learning approach allows us to reach higher performance after training up to 4% of the total training steps.Comment: Published at the International Workshop on Spoken Language Translation (IWSLT), 201

    Language Model Bootstrapping Using Neural Machine Translation For Conversational Speech Recognition

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    Building conversational speech recognition systems for new languages is constrained by the availability of utterances that capture user-device interactions. Data collection is both expensive and limited by the speed of manual transcription. In order to address this, we advocate the use of neural machine translation as a data augmentation technique for bootstrapping language models. Machine translation (MT) offers a systematic way of incorporating collections from mature, resource-rich conversational systems that may be available for a different language. However, ingesting raw translations from a general purpose MT system may not be effective owing to the presence of named entities, intra sentential code-switching and the domain mismatch between the conversational data being translated and the parallel text used for MT training. To circumvent this, we explore the following domain adaptation techniques: (a) sentence embedding based data selection for MT training, (b) model finetuning, and (c) rescoring and filtering translated hypotheses. Using Hindi as the experimental testbed, we translate US English utterances to supplement the transcribed collections. We observe a relative word error rate reduction of 7.8-15.6%, depending on the bootstrapping phase. Fine grained analysis reveals that translation particularly aids the interaction scenarios which are underrepresented in the transcribed data.Comment: Accepted by IEEE ASRU workshop, 201
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