48 research outputs found

    Self-supervised Learning for ECG-based Emotion Recognition

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    We present an electrocardiogram (ECG) -based emotion recognition system using self-supervised learning. Our proposed architecture consists of two main networks, a signal transformation recognition network and an emotion recognition network. First, unlabelled data are used to successfully train the former network to detect specific pre-determined signal transformations in the self-supervised learning step. Next, the weights of the convolutional layers of this network are transferred to the emotion recognition network, and two dense layers are trained in order to classify arousal and valence scores. We show that our self-supervised approach helps the model learn the ECG feature manifold required for emotion recognition, performing equal or better than the fully-supervised version of the model. Our proposed method outperforms the state-of-the-art in ECG-based emotion recognition with two publicly available datasets, SWELL and AMIGOS. Further analysis highlights the advantage of our self-supervised approach in requiring significantly less data to achieve acceptable results.Comment: Accepted, 45th IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processin

    Self-Supervised Relative Depth Learning for Urban Scene Understanding

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    As an agent moves through the world, the apparent motion of scene elements is (usually) inversely proportional to their depth. It is natural for a learning agent to associate image patterns with the magnitude of their displacement over time: as the agent moves, faraway mountains don't move much; nearby trees move a lot. This natural relationship between the appearance of objects and their motion is a rich source of information about the world. In this work, we start by training a deep network, using fully automatic supervision, to predict relative scene depth from single images. The relative depth training images are automatically derived from simple videos of cars moving through a scene, using recent motion segmentation techniques, and no human-provided labels. This proxy task of predicting relative depth from a single image induces features in the network that result in large improvements in a set of downstream tasks including semantic segmentation, joint road segmentation and car detection, and monocular (absolute) depth estimation, over a network trained from scratch. The improvement on the semantic segmentation task is greater than those produced by any other automatically supervised methods. Moreover, for monocular depth estimation, our unsupervised pre-training method even outperforms supervised pre-training with ImageNet. In addition, we demonstrate benefits from learning to predict (unsupervised) relative depth in the specific videos associated with various downstream tasks. We adapt to the specific scenes in those tasks in an unsupervised manner to improve performance. In summary, for semantic segmentation, we present state-of-the-art results among methods that do not use supervised pre-training, and we even exceed the performance of supervised ImageNet pre-trained models for monocular depth estimation, achieving results that are comparable with state-of-the-art methods