2 research outputs found

    Locating Distinguishing Features Using Diff Sets

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    ABSTRACT In this paper, we focus on the problem of feature location for families of related software products realized via code cloning. Locating code that corresponds to features in such families is an important task in many software development activities, such as support for sharing features between different products of the family or refactoring the code into product line representations that eliminate duplications and facilitate reuse. We suggest two heuristics for improving the accuracy of existing feature location techniques when locating distinguishing features -those that are present in one product variant while absent in another. Our heuristics are based on identifying code regions that have a high potential to implement a feature of interest. We refer to these regions as diff sets and compute them by comparing product variants to each other. We exemplify our approach on a small but realistic example and describe initial evaluation results

    Desarrollo de familias de aplicaciones web con transformaci贸n de modelos

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    Tesis (Doctor en Ciencias de la Computaci贸n)--Universidad Nacional de C贸rdoba, Facultad de Matem谩tica, Astronom铆a, F铆sica y Computaci贸n, 2020.El desarrollo de L铆neas de Productos de Software (SPL, por sus siglas en ingl茅s) trae aparejado beneficios importantes para el desarrollo de sistemas de software: reducci贸n de tiempos de desarrollo y comercializaci贸n, mejoras en la calidad. La evoluci贸n de las aplicaciones web, el surgimiento de sitios colaborativos (como el repositorio gitHub) de desarrollo de aplicaciones web y la gran cantidad de sistemas de escritorio que han ido migrando a la web, hizo que se generen muchas aplicaciones web de gran escala y altamente configurables que son desarrolladas individualmente y que podr铆an ser tratadas como l铆neas de productos o familias de aplicaciones, para as铆 aprovechar los beneficios que este tipo de desarrollo provee. Para este fin, este trabajo presenta un proceso de desarrollo de familias de aplicaciones web que comprende modelado de dominio, proceso de configuraci贸n de modelos de dominio, modelado de aplicaciones y proceso de desarrollo de interfaz de usuario web responsiva. El proceso definido aqu铆 ataca los principales problemas hallados en el 谩rea de investigaci贸n: construcci贸n manual de modelo de features (en adici贸n a modelos de dominio); no provisi贸n de automatismos para generar configuraciones de modelos de dominio; no modelado ni consideraci贸n de variabilidad en interfaces de usuario y no prescripci贸n de m茅todo para modelar interfaz de usuario. Adem谩s, tiene en cuenta problemas generales del 谩rea de SPL y aspectos propios del 谩rea de aplicaciones web.The development using Software Product Lines (SPL) brings important benefits for the development of software systems: reduction of development and commercialization times, improvements in quality. The evolution of web applications, the emergence of collaborative web application development sites (such as the gitHub repository), and the large number of desktop systems that have been migrating to the web, led to many large-scale web applications and highly configurable that are developed individually and that could be treated as product lines or application families, in order to take advantage of the benefits that this type of development provides. For this purpose, this paper presents a web application family development process that includes domain modeling, domain model configuration process, application modeling and responsive web user interface development process. The process defined here addresses the main problems found in the research area: manual construction of feature models (in addition to domain models); no provision of automation to generate domain model configurations; no modeling or consideration of variability in user interfaces and no method prescription for modeling user interface. In addition, it takes into account general problems in the SPL area and aspects of the web applications area.publishedVersionFil: Casal谩nguida, Hern谩n. Universidad Nacional de C贸rdoba. Facultad de Matem谩tica, Astronom铆a, F铆sica y Computaci贸n; Argentina