1 research outputs found

    Robust scheduler for repetitive discrete event systems

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    研究成果の概要 (和文) : 多入力多出力,先入れ先出し型構造を有する繰り返し実行型の離散事象システムに対する頑健なスケジューラを考案した.システムの振る舞いは, Dioid代数と呼ばれる離散代数系を用いて表現し,実システムに適用する場合の実用性を向上させることに焦点をあてた.主な研究成果は, (1)状態空間表現の拡張により方程式系の記述能力を高めた, (2)状態方程式の効率的な計算方法について検討した, (3)各工程の処理時間にバラツキがある場合への対応方法について検討した,の3点に集約される.研究成果の概要 (英文) : Our primary focus was on developing robust scheduling frameworks for repetitive discrete event systems with MIMO-FIFO (Multiple-Input, Multiple-Output, First-In, First-Out)structure. The behavior of the target systems was represented using a class of discrete algebra referred to as Dioid algebra. In particular, we have aimed to improve the practicality of this approach for application to practical systems. The main accomplishments are threefold; (1) the descriptive ability of the equations has been improved by extending the state-space representation, (2) for the computation of the state equation, several efficient algorithms and implementations have been proposed, and (3) a method for handling systems with fluctuating processing times has been proposed