71 research outputs found

    Composable Deep Reinforcement Learning for Robotic Manipulation

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    Model-free deep reinforcement learning has been shown to exhibit good performance in domains ranging from video games to simulated robotic manipulation and locomotion. However, model-free methods are known to perform poorly when the interaction time with the environment is limited, as is the case for most real-world robotic tasks. In this paper, we study how maximum entropy policies trained using soft Q-learning can be applied to real-world robotic manipulation. The application of this method to real-world manipulation is facilitated by two important features of soft Q-learning. First, soft Q-learning can learn multimodal exploration strategies by learning policies represented by expressive energy-based models. Second, we show that policies learned with soft Q-learning can be composed to create new policies, and that the optimality of the resulting policy can be bounded in terms of the divergence between the composed policies. This compositionality provides an especially valuable tool for real-world manipulation, where constructing new policies by composing existing skills can provide a large gain in efficiency over training from scratch. Our experimental evaluation demonstrates that soft Q-learning is substantially more sample efficient than prior model-free deep reinforcement learning methods, and that compositionality can be performed for both simulated and real-world tasks.Comment: Videos: https://sites.google.com/view/composing-real-world-policies

    Robot eye-hand coordination learning by watching human demonstrations: a task function approximation approach

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    We present a robot eye-hand coordination learning method that can directly learn visual task specification by watching human demonstrations. Task specification is represented as a task function, which is learned using inverse reinforcement learning(IRL) by inferring differential rewards between state changes. The learned task function is then used as continuous feedbacks in an uncalibrated visual servoing(UVS) controller designed for the execution phase. Our proposed method can directly learn from raw videos, which removes the need for hand-engineered task specification. It can also provide task interpretability by directly approximating the task function. Besides, benefiting from the use of a traditional UVS controller, our training process is efficient and the learned policy is independent from a particular robot platform. Various experiments were designed to show that, for a certain DOF task, our method can adapt to task/environment variances in target positions, backgrounds, illuminations, and occlusions without prior retraining.Comment: Accepted in ICRA 201
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