3,722 research outputs found

    Transferable Perturbations of Deep Feature Distributions

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    Almost all current adversarial attacks of CNN classifiers rely on information derived from the output layer of the network. This work presents a new adversarial attack based on the modeling and exploitation of class-wise and layer-wise deep feature distributions. We achieve state-of-the-art targeted blackbox transfer-based attack results for undefended ImageNet models. Further, we place a priority on explainability and interpretability of the attacking process. Our methodology affords an analysis of how adversarial attacks change the intermediate feature distributions of CNNs, as well as a measure of layer-wise and class-wise feature distributional separability/entanglement. We also conceptualize a transition from task/data-specific to model-specific features within a CNN architecture that directly impacts the transferability of adversarial examples.Comment: Published as a conference paper at ICLR 202

    Adversarial Attacks on Neural Networks for Graph Data

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    Deep learning models for graphs have achieved strong performance for the task of node classification. Despite their proliferation, currently there is no study of their robustness to adversarial attacks. Yet, in domains where they are likely to be used, e.g. the web, adversaries are common. Can deep learning models for graphs be easily fooled? In this work, we introduce the first study of adversarial attacks on attributed graphs, specifically focusing on models exploiting ideas of graph convolutions. In addition to attacks at test time, we tackle the more challenging class of poisoning/causative attacks, which focus on the training phase of a machine learning model. We generate adversarial perturbations targeting the node's features and the graph structure, thus, taking the dependencies between instances in account. Moreover, we ensure that the perturbations remain unnoticeable by preserving important data characteristics. To cope with the underlying discrete domain we propose an efficient algorithm Nettack exploiting incremental computations. Our experimental study shows that accuracy of node classification significantly drops even when performing only few perturbations. Even more, our attacks are transferable: the learned attacks generalize to other state-of-the-art node classification models and unsupervised approaches, and likewise are successful even when only limited knowledge about the graph is given.Comment: Accepted as a full paper at KDD 2018 on May 6, 201

    Unsupervised Domain Adaptation with Residual Transfer Networks

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    The recent success of deep neural networks relies on massive amounts of labeled data. For a target task where labeled data is unavailable, domain adaptation can transfer a learner from a different source domain. In this paper, we propose a new approach to domain adaptation in deep networks that can jointly learn adaptive classifiers and transferable features from labeled data in the source domain and unlabeled data in the target domain. We relax a shared-classifier assumption made by previous methods and assume that the source classifier and target classifier differ by a residual function. We enable classifier adaptation by plugging several layers into deep network to explicitly learn the residual function with reference to the target classifier. We fuse features of multiple layers with tensor product and embed them into reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces to match distributions for feature adaptation. The adaptation can be achieved in most feed-forward models by extending them with new residual layers and loss functions, which can be trained efficiently via back-propagation. Empirical evidence shows that the new approach outperforms state of the art methods on standard domain adaptation benchmarks.Comment: 30th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS 2016), Barcelona, Spai

    PixelDefend: Leveraging Generative Models to Understand and Defend against Adversarial Examples

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    Adversarial perturbations of normal images are usually imperceptible to humans, but they can seriously confuse state-of-the-art machine learning models. What makes them so special in the eyes of image classifiers? In this paper, we show empirically that adversarial examples mainly lie in the low probability regions of the training distribution, regardless of attack types and targeted models. Using statistical hypothesis testing, we find that modern neural density models are surprisingly good at detecting imperceptible image perturbations. Based on this discovery, we devised PixelDefend, a new approach that purifies a maliciously perturbed image by moving it back towards the distribution seen in the training data. The purified image is then run through an unmodified classifier, making our method agnostic to both the classifier and the attacking method. As a result, PixelDefend can be used to protect already deployed models and be combined with other model-specific defenses. Experiments show that our method greatly improves resilience across a wide variety of state-of-the-art attacking methods, increasing accuracy on the strongest attack from 63% to 84% for Fashion MNIST and from 32% to 70% for CIFAR-10.Comment: ICLR 201

    Sitatapatra: Blocking the Transfer of Adversarial Samples

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    Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) are widely used to solve classification tasks in computer vision. However, they can be tricked into misclassifying specially crafted `adversarial' samples -- and samples built to trick one model often work alarmingly well against other models trained on the same task. In this paper we introduce Sitatapatra, a system designed to block the transfer of adversarial samples. It diversifies neural networks using a key, as in cryptography, and provides a mechanism for detecting attacks. What's more, when adversarial samples are detected they can typically be traced back to the individual device that was used to develop them. The run-time overheads are minimal permitting the use of Sitatapatra on constrained systems

    Fast Feature Fool: A data independent approach to universal adversarial perturbations

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    State-of-the-art object recognition Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) are shown to be fooled by image agnostic perturbations, called universal adversarial perturbations. It is also observed that these perturbations generalize across multiple networks trained on the same target data. However, these algorithms require training data on which the CNNs were trained and compute adversarial perturbations via complex optimization. The fooling performance of these approaches is directly proportional to the amount of available training data. This makes them unsuitable for practical attacks since its unreasonable for an attacker to have access to the training data. In this paper, for the first time, we propose a novel data independent approach to generate image agnostic perturbations for a range of CNNs trained for object recognition. We further show that these perturbations are transferable across multiple network architectures trained either on same or different data. In the absence of data, our method generates universal adversarial perturbations efficiently via fooling the features learned at multiple layers thereby causing CNNs to misclassify. Experiments demonstrate impressive fooling rates and surprising transferability for the proposed universal perturbations generated without any training data.Comment: BMVC 2017 and codes are available at https://github.com/utsavgarg/fast-feature-foo

    Improving the Generalization of Adversarial Training with Domain Adaptation

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    By injecting adversarial examples into training data, adversarial training is promising for improving the robustness of deep learning models. However, most existing adversarial training approaches are based on a specific type of adversarial attack. It may not provide sufficiently representative samples from the adversarial domain, leading to a weak generalization ability on adversarial examples from other attacks. Moreover, during the adversarial training, adversarial perturbations on inputs are usually crafted by fast single-step adversaries so as to scale to large datasets. This work is mainly focused on the adversarial training yet efficient FGSM adversary. In this scenario, it is difficult to train a model with great generalization due to the lack of representative adversarial samples, aka the samples are unable to accurately reflect the adversarial domain. To alleviate this problem, we propose a novel Adversarial Training with Domain Adaptation (ATDA) method. Our intuition is to regard the adversarial training on FGSM adversary as a domain adaption task with limited number of target domain samples. The main idea is to learn a representation that is semantically meaningful and domain invariant on the clean domain as well as the adversarial domain. Empirical evaluations on Fashion-MNIST, SVHN, CIFAR-10 and CIFAR-100 demonstrate that ATDA can greatly improve the generalization of adversarial training and the smoothness of the learned models, and outperforms state-of-the-art methods on standard benchmark datasets. To show the transfer ability of our method, we also extend ATDA to the adversarial training on iterative attacks such as PGD-Adversial Training (PAT) and the defense performance is improved considerably.Comment: ICLR 201

    Learning Smooth Representation for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation

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    In unsupervised domain adaptation, existing methods have achieved remarkable performance, but few pay attention to the Lipschitz constraint. It has been studied that not just reducing the divergence between distributions, but the satisfaction of Lipschitz continuity guarantees an error bound for the target distribution. In this paper, we adopt this principle and extend it to a deep end-to-end model. We define a formula named local smooth discrepancy to measure the Lipschitzness for target distribution in a pointwise way. Further, several critical factors affecting the error bound are taken into account in our proposed optimization strategy to ensure the effectiveness and stability. Empirical evidence shows that the proposed method is comparable or superior to the state-of-the-art methods and our modifications are important for the validity.Comment: Code is available at https://github.com/CuthbertCai/SRD

    Cycle-Consistent Adversarial GAN: the integration of adversarial attack and defense

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    In image classification of deep learning, adversarial examples where inputs intended to add small magnitude perturbations may mislead deep neural networks (DNNs) to incorrect results, which means DNNs are vulnerable to them. Different attack and defense strategies have been proposed to better research the mechanism of deep learning. However, those research in these networks are only for one aspect, either an attack or a defense, not considering that attacks and defenses should be interdependent and mutually reinforcing, just like the relationship between spears and shields. In this paper, we propose Cycle-Consistent Adversarial GAN (CycleAdvGAN) to generate adversarial examples, which can learn and approximate the distribution of original instances and adversarial examples. For CycleAdvGAN, once the Generator and are trained, can generate adversarial perturbations efficiently for any instance, so as to make DNNs predict wrong, and recovery adversarial examples to clean instances, so as to make DNNs predict correct. We apply CycleAdvGAN under semi-white box and black-box settings on two public datasets MNIST and CIFAR10. Using the extensive experiments, we show that our method has achieved the state-of-the-art adversarial attack method and also efficiently improve the defense ability, which make the integration of adversarial attack and defense come true. In additional, it has improved attack effect only trained on the adversarial dataset generated by any kind of adversarial attack.Comment: 13 pages,7 tables, 1 figur

    One Bit Matters: Understanding Adversarial Examples as the Abuse of Redundancy

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    Despite the great success achieved in machine learning (ML), adversarial examples have caused concerns with regards to its trustworthiness: A small perturbation of an input results in an arbitrary failure of an otherwise seemingly well-trained ML model. While studies are being conducted to discover the intrinsic properties of adversarial examples, such as their transferability and universality, there is insufficient theoretic analysis to help understand the phenomenon in a way that can influence the design process of ML experiments. In this paper, we deduce an information-theoretic model which explains adversarial attacks as the abuse of feature redundancies in ML algorithms. We prove that feature redundancy is a necessary condition for the existence of adversarial examples. Our model helps to explain some major questions raised in many anecdotal studies on adversarial examples. Our theory is backed up by empirical measurements of the information content of benign and adversarial examples on both image and text datasets. Our measurements show that typical adversarial examples introduce just enough redundancy to overflow the decision making of an ML model trained on corresponding benign examples. We conclude with actionable recommendations to improve the robustness of machine learners against adversarial examples