740 research outputs found

    Adversarial Attacks on Video Object Segmentation with Hard Region Discovery

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    Video object segmentation has been applied to various computer vision tasks, such as video editing, autonomous driving, and human-robot interaction. However, the methods based on deep neural networks are vulnerable to adversarial examples, which are the inputs attacked by almost human-imperceptible perturbations, and the adversary (i.e., attacker) will fool the segmentation model to make incorrect pixel-level predictions. This will rise the security issues in highly-demanding tasks because small perturbations to the input video will result in potential attack risks. Though adversarial examples have been extensively used for classification, it is rarely studied in video object segmentation. Existing related methods in computer vision either require prior knowledge of categories or cannot be directly applied due to the special design for certain tasks, failing to consider the pixel-wise region attack. Hence, this work develops an object-agnostic adversary that has adversarial impacts on VOS by first-frame attacking via hard region discovery. Particularly, the gradients from the segmentation model are exploited to discover the easily confused region, in which it is difficult to identify the pixel-wise objects from the background in a frame. This provides a hardness map that helps to generate perturbations with a stronger adversarial power for attacking the first frame. Empirical studies on three benchmarks indicate that our attacker significantly degrades the performance of several state-of-the-art video object segmentation models

    Which Model to Transfer? A Survey on Transferability Estimation

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    Transfer learning methods endeavor to leverage relevant knowledge from existing source pre-trained models or datasets to solve downstream target tasks. With the increase in the scale and quantity of available pre-trained models nowadays, it becomes critical to assess in advance whether they are suitable for a specific target task. Model transferability estimation is an emerging and growing area of interest, aiming to propose a metric to quantify this suitability without training them individually, which is computationally prohibitive. Despite extensive recent advances already devoted to this area, they have custom terminological definitions and experimental settings. In this survey, we present the first review of existing advances in this area and categorize them into two separate realms: source-free model transferability estimation and source-dependent model transferability estimation. Each category is systematically defined, accompanied by a comprehensive taxonomy. Besides, we address challenges and outline future research directions, intending to provide a comprehensive guide to aid researchers and practitioners

    Exploring Model Transferability through the Lens of Potential Energy

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    Transfer learning has become crucial in computer vision tasks due to the vast availability of pre-trained deep learning models. However, selecting the optimal pre-trained model from a diverse pool for a specific downstream task remains a challenge. Existing methods for measuring the transferability of pre-trained models rely on statistical correlations between encoded static features and task labels, but they overlook the impact of underlying representation dynamics during fine-tuning, leading to unreliable results, especially for self-supervised models. In this paper, we present an insightful physics-inspired approach named PED to address these challenges. We reframe the challenge of model selection through the lens of potential energy and directly model the interaction forces that influence fine-tuning dynamics. By capturing the motion of dynamic representations to decline the potential energy within a force-driven physical model, we can acquire an enhanced and more stable observation for estimating transferability. The experimental results on 10 downstream tasks and 12 self-supervised models demonstrate that our approach can seamlessly integrate into existing ranking techniques and enhance their performances, revealing its effectiveness for the model selection task and its potential for understanding the mechanism in transfer learning. Code will be available at https://github.com/lixiaotong97/PED.Comment: Accepted by ICCV 202

    Building a Winning Team: Selecting Source Model Ensembles using a Submodular Transferability Estimation Approach

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    Estimating the transferability of publicly available pretrained models to a target task has assumed an important place for transfer learning tasks in recent years. Existing efforts propose metrics that allow a user to choose one model from a pool of pre-trained models without having to fine-tune each model individually and identify one explicitly. With the growth in the number of available pre-trained models and the popularity of model ensembles, it also becomes essential to study the transferability of multiple-source models for a given target task. The few existing efforts study transferability in such multi-source ensemble settings using just the outputs of the classification layer and neglect possible domain or task mismatch. Moreover, they overlook the most important factor while selecting the source models, viz., the cohesiveness factor between them, which can impact the performance and confidence in the prediction of the ensemble. To address these gaps, we propose a novel Optimal tranSport-based suBmOdular tRaNsferability metric (OSBORN) to estimate the transferability of an ensemble of models to a downstream task. OSBORN collectively accounts for image domain difference, task difference, and cohesiveness of models in the ensemble to provide reliable estimates of transferability. We gauge the performance of OSBORN on both image classification and semantic segmentation tasks. Our setup includes 28 source datasets, 11 target datasets, 5 model architectures, and 2 pre-training methods. We benchmark our method against current state-of-the-art metrics MS-LEEP and E-LEEP, and outperform them consistently using the proposed approach.Comment: To appear at ICCV 202

    Ranking Neural Checkpoints

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    This paper is concerned with ranking many pre-trained deep neural networks (DNNs), called checkpoints, for the transfer learning to a downstream task. Thanks to the broad use of DNNs, we may easily collect hundreds of checkpoints from various sources. Which of them transfers the best to our downstream task of interest? Striving to answer this question thoroughly, we establish a neural checkpoint ranking benchmark (NeuCRaB) and study some intuitive ranking measures. These measures are generic, applying to the checkpoints of different output types without knowing how the checkpoints are pre-trained on which dataset. They also incur low computation cost, making them practically meaningful. Our results suggest that the linear separability of the features extracted by the checkpoints is a strong indicator of transferability. We also arrive at a new ranking measure, NLEEP, which gives rise to the best performance in the experiments.Comment: Accepted to CVPR 202

    Transferability-Guided Cross-Domain Cross-Task Transfer Learning

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    We propose two novel transferability metrics F-OTCE (Fast Optimal Transport based Conditional Entropy) and JC-OTCE (Joint Correspondence OTCE) to evaluate how much the source model (task) can benefit the learning of the target task and to learn more transferable representations for cross-domain cross-task transfer learning. Unlike the existing metric that requires evaluating the empirical transferability on auxiliary tasks, our metrics are auxiliary-free such that they can be computed much more efficiently. Specifically, F-OTCE estimates transferability by first solving an Optimal Transport (OT) problem between source and target distributions, and then uses the optimal coupling to compute the Negative Conditional Entropy between source and target labels. It can also serve as a loss function to maximize the transferability of the source model before finetuning on the target task. Meanwhile, JC-OTCE improves the transferability robustness of F-OTCE by including label distances in the OT problem, though it may incur additional computation cost. Extensive experiments demonstrate that F-OTCE and JC-OTCE outperform state-of-the-art auxiliary-free metrics by 18.85% and 28.88%, respectively in correlation coefficient with the ground-truth transfer accuracy. By eliminating the training cost of auxiliary tasks, the two metrics reduces the total computation time of the previous method from 43 minutes to 9.32s and 10.78s, respectively, for a pair of tasks. When used as a loss function, F-OTCE shows consistent improvements on the transfer accuracy of the source model in few-shot classification experiments, with up to 4.41% accuracy gain.Comment: This work has been submitted to the IEEE for possible publication. Copyright may be transferred without notice, after which this version may no longer be accessibl