9 research outputs found

    Transfer Learning for Estimating Causal Effects using Neural Networks

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    We develop new algorithms for estimating heterogeneous treatment effects, combining recent developments in transfer learning for neural networks with insights from the causal inference literature. By taking advantage of transfer learning, we are able to efficiently use different data sources that are related to the same underlying causal mechanisms. We compare our algorithms with those in the extant literature using extensive simulation studies based on large-scale voter persuasion experiments and the MNIST database. Our methods can perform an order of magnitude better than existing benchmarks while using a fraction of the data

    Heterogeneous Treatment Effect Estimation through Deep Learning

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    Estimating heterogeneous treatment effect is an important task in causal inference with wide application fields. It has also attracted increasing attention from machine learning community in recent years. In this work, we reinterpret the heterogeneous treatment effect estimation and propose ways to borrow strength from neural networks. We analyze the strengths and drawbacks of integrating neural networks into heterogeneous treatment effect estimation and clarify the aspects that need to be taken into consideration when designing a specific network. We proposed a specific network under our guidelines. In simulations, we show that our network performs better when the structure of data is complex, and reach a draw under the cases where other methods could be proved to be optimal

    Balance Regularized Neural Network Models for Causal Effect Estimation

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    Estimating individual and average treatment effects from observational data is an important problem in many domains such as healthcare and e-commerce. In this paper, we advocate balance regularization of multi-head neural network architectures. Our work is motivated by representation learning techniques to reduce differences between treated and untreated distributions that potentially arise due to confounding factors. We further regularize the model by encouraging it to predict control outcomes for individuals in the treatment group that are similar to control outcomes in the control group. We empirically study the bias-variance trade-off between different weightings of the regularizers, as well as between inductive and transductive inference.Comment: Causal Discovery & Causality-Inspired Machine Learning Workshop at Neural Information Processing Systems, 202

    Causaltoolbox---Estimator Stability for Heterogeneous Treatment Effects

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    Estimating heterogeneous treatment effects has become increasingly important in many fields and life and death decisions are now based on these estimates: for example, selecting a personalized course of medical treatment. Recently, a variety of procedures relying on different assumptions have been suggested for estimating heterogeneous treatment effects. Unfortunately, there are no compelling approaches that allow identification of the procedure that has assumptions that hew closest to the process generating the data set under study and researchers often select one arbitrarily. This approach risks making inferences that rely on incorrect assumptions and gives the experimenter too much scope for pp-hacking. A single estimator will also tend to overlook patterns other estimators could have picked up. We believe that the conclusion of many published papers might change had a different estimator been chosen and we suggest that practitioners should evaluate many estimators and assess their similarity when investigating heterogeneous treatment effects. We demonstrate this by applying 28 different estimation procedures to an emulated observational data set; this analysis shows that different estimation procedures may give starkly different estimates. We also provide an extensible \texttt{R} package which makes it straightforward for practitioners to follow our recommendations

    A Loss-Function for Causal Machine-Learning

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    Causal machine-learning is about predicting the net-effect (true-lift) of treatments. Given the data of a treatment group and a control group, it is similar to a standard supervised-learning problem. Unfortunately, there is no similarly well-defined loss function due to the lack of point-wise true values in the data. Many advances in modern machine-learning are not directly applicable due to the absence of such loss function. We propose a novel method to define a loss function in this context, which is equal to mean-square-error (MSE) in a standard regression problem. Our loss function is universally applicable, thus providing a general standard to evaluate the quality of any model/strategy that predicts the true-lift. We demonstrate that despite its novel definition, one can still perform gradient descent directly on this loss function to find the best fit. This leads to a new way to train any parameter-based model, such as deep neural networks, to solve causal machine-learning problems without going through the meta-learner strategy.Comment: 13 pages, 1 figur

    Uplift Modeling for Multiple Treatments with Cost Optimization

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    Uplift modeling is an emerging machine learning approach for estimating the treatment effect at an individual or subgroup level. It can be used for optimizing the performance of interventions such as marketing campaigns and product designs. Uplift modeling can be used to estimate which users are likely to benefit from a treatment and then prioritize delivering or promoting the preferred experience to those users. An important but so far neglected use case for uplift modeling is an experiment with multiple treatment groups that have different costs, such as for example when different communication channels and promotion types are tested simultaneously. In this paper, we extend standard uplift models to support multiple treatment groups with different costs. We evaluate the performance of the proposed models using both synthetic and real data. We also describe a production implementation of the approach

    Assessment of Heterogeneous Treatment Effect Estimation Accuracy via Matching

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    We study the assessment of the accuracy of heterogeneous treatment effect (HTE) estimation, where the HTE is not directly observable so standard computation of prediction errors is not applicable. To tackle the difficulty, we propose an assessment approach by constructing pseudo-observations of the HTE based on matching. Our contributions are three-fold: first, we introduce a novel matching distance derived from proximity scores in random forests; second, we formulate the matching problem as an average minimum-cost flow problem and provide an efficient algorithm; third, we propose a match-then-split principle for the assessment with cross-validation. We demonstrate the efficacy of the assessment approach on synthetic data and data generated from a real dataset

    A general framework for causal classification

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    In many applications, there is a need to predict the effect of an intervention on different individuals from data. For example, which customers are persuadable by a product promotion? which patients should be treated? These are typical causal questions involving the effect or the change in outcomes made by an intervention. The questions cannot be answered with traditional classification methods as they only deal with static outcomes. For personalised marketing, these questions are often answered with uplift modelling. The objective of uplift modelling is to estimate causal effect, but its literature does not discuss when the uplift represents casual effect. Causal heterogeneity modelling can solve the problem, but its assumption unconfoundedness is untestable in data. So practitioners need guidelines in their applications when using the methods. In this paper, we use casual classification for a set of personalised decision making problems, and differentiate it from classification. We discuss the conditions when causal classification can be resolved by uplift (and causal heterogeneity) modelling methods. We also propose a general framework for causal classification, by using off-the-shelf supervised methods for flexible implementations. Experiments have shown two instantiations of the framework work for causal classification and for uplift (causal heterogeneity) modelling, and are competitive with the other uplift (causal heterogeneity) modelling methods.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1604.07212 by other author

    A unified survey on treatment effect heterogeneity modeling and uplift modeling

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    A central question in many fields of scientific research is to determine how an outcome would be affected by an action, or to measure the effect of an action (a.k.a treatment effect). In recent years, a need for estimating the heterogeneous treatment effects conditioning on the different characteristics of individuals has emerged from research fields such as personalized healthcare, social science, and online marketing. To meet the need, researchers and practitioners from different communities have developed algorithms by taking the treatment effect heterogeneity modeling approach and the uplift modeling approach, respectively. In this paper, we provide a unified survey of these two seemingly disconnected yet closely related approaches under the potential outcome framework. We then provide a structured survey of existing methods by emphasizing on their inherent connections with a set of unified notations to make comparisons of the different methods easy. We then review the main applications of the surveyed methods in personalized marketing, personalized medicine, and social studies. Finally, we summarize the existing software packages and present discussions based on the use of methods on synthetic, semi-synthetic and real world data sets and provide some general guidelines for choosing methods