2,812 research outputs found

    Middleware-based Database Replication: The Gaps between Theory and Practice

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    The need for high availability and performance in data management systems has been fueling a long running interest in database replication from both academia and industry. However, academic groups often attack replication problems in isolation, overlooking the need for completeness in their solutions, while commercial teams take a holistic approach that often misses opportunities for fundamental innovation. This has created over time a gap between academic research and industrial practice. This paper aims to characterize the gap along three axes: performance, availability, and administration. We build on our own experience developing and deploying replication systems in commercial and academic settings, as well as on a large body of prior related work. We sift through representative examples from the last decade of open-source, academic, and commercial database replication systems and combine this material with case studies from real systems deployed at Fortune 500 customers. We propose two agendas, one for academic research and one for industrial R&D, which we believe can bridge the gap within 5-10 years. This way, we hope to both motivate and help researchers in making the theory and practice of middleware-based database replication more relevant to each other.Comment: 14 pages. Appears in Proc. ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, Vancouver, Canada, June 200

    Unification of Transactions and Replication in Three-Tier Architectures Based on CORBA

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    In this paper, we describe a software infrastructure that unifies transactions and replication in three-tier architectures and provides data consistency and high availability for enterprise applications. The infrastructure uses transactions based on the CORBA object transaction service to protect the application data in databases on stable storage, using a roll-backward recovery strategy, and replication based on the fault tolerant CORBA standard to protect the middle-tier servers, using a roll-forward recovery strategy. The infrastructure replicates the middle-tier servers to protect the application business logic processing. In addition, it replicates the transaction coordinator, which renders the two-phase commit protocol nonblocking and, thus, avoids potentially long service disruptions caused by failure of the coordinator. The infrastructure handles the interactions between the replicated middle-tier servers and the database servers through replicated gateways that prevent duplicate requests from reaching the database servers. It implements automatic client-side failover mechanisms, which guarantee that clients know the outcome of the requests that they have made, and retries aborted transactions automatically on behalf of the clients

    GORDA: an open architecture for database replication

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    Database replication has been a common feature in database management systems (DBMSs) for a long time. In particular, asynchronous or lazy propagation of updates provides a simple yet efficient way of increasing performance and data availability and is widely available across the DBMS product spectrum. High end systems additionally offer sophisticated conflict resolution and data propagation options as well as, synchronous replication based on distributed locking and two-phase commit protocols. This paper presents GORDA architecture and programming interface (GAPI), that enables different replication strategies to be implemented once and deployed in multiple DBMSs. This is achieved by proposing a reflective interface to transaction processing instead of relying on-client interfaces or ad-hoc server extensions. The proposed approach is thus cost-effective, in enabling reuse of replication protocols or components in multiple DBMSs, as well as potentially efficient, as it allows close coupling with DBMS internals.(undefined

    Arquitetura de elevada disponibilidade para bases de dados na cloud

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Computer ScienceCom a constante expansão de sistemas informáticos nas diferentes áreas de aplicação, a quantidade de dados que exigem persistência aumenta exponencialmente. Assim, por forma a tolerar faltas e garantir a disponibilidade de dados, devem ser implementadas técnicas de replicação. Atualmente existem várias abordagens e protocolos, tendo diferentes tipos de aplicações em vista. Existem duas grandes vertentes de protocolos de replicação, protocolos genéricos, para qualquer serviço, e protocolos específicos destinados a bases de dados. No que toca a protocolos de replicação genéricos, as principais técnicas existentes, apesar de completa mente desenvolvidas e em utilização, têm algumas limitações, nomeadamente: problemas de performance relativamente a saturação da réplica primária na replicação passiva e o determinismo necessário associado à replicação ativa. Algumas destas desvantagens são mitigadas pelos protocolos específicos de base de dados (e.g., com recurso a multi-master) mas estes protocolos não permitem efetuar uma separação entre a lógica da replicação e os respetivos dados. Abordagens mais recentes tendem a basear-se em técnicas de repli cação com fundamentos em mecanismos distribuídos de logging. Tais mecanismos propor cionam alta disponibilidade de dados e tolerância a faltas, permitindo abordagens inovado ras baseadas puramente em logs. Por forma a atenuar as limitações encontradas não só no mecanismo de replicação ativa e passiva, mas também nas suas derivações, esta dissertação apresenta uma solução de replicação híbrida baseada em middleware, o SQLware. A grande vantagem desta abor dagem baseia-se na divisão entre a camada de replicação e a camada de dados, utilizando um log distribuído altamente escalável que oferece tolerância a faltas e alta disponibilidade. O protótipo desenvolvido foi validado com recurso à execução de testes de desempenho, sendo avaliado em duas infraestruturas diferentes, nomeadamente, um servidor privado de média gama e um grupo de servidores de computação de alto desempenho. Durante a avaliação do protótipo, o standard da indústria TPC-C, tipicamente utilizado para avaliar sistemas de base de dados transacionais, foi utilizado. Os resultados obtidos demonstram que o SQLware oferece uma aumento de throughput de 150 vezes, comparativamente ao mecanismo de replicação nativo da base de dados considerada, o PostgreSQL.With the constant expansion of computational systems, the amount of data that requires durability increases exponentially. All data persistence must be replicated in order to provide high-availability and fault tolerance according to the surrogate application or use-case. Currently, there are numerous approaches and replication protocols developed supporting different use-cases. There are two prominent variations of replication protocols, generic protocols, and database specific ones. The two main techniques associated with generic replication protocols are the active and passive replication. Although generic replication techniques are fully matured and widely used, there are inherent problems associated with those protocols, namely: performance issues of the primary replica of passive replication and the determinism required by the active replication. Some of those disadvantages are mitigated by specific database replication protocols (e.g., using multi-master) but, those protocols do not allow a separation between logic and data and they can not be decoupled from the database engine. Moreover, recent strategies consider highly-scalable and fault tolerant distributed logging mechanisms, allowing for newer designs based purely on logs to power replication. To mitigate the shortcomings found in both active and passive replication mechanisms, but also in partial variations of these methods, this dissertation presents a hybrid replication middleware, SQLware. The cornerstone of the approach lies in the decoupling between the logical replication layer and the data store, together with the use of a highly scalable distributed log that provides fault-tolerance and high-availability. We validated the prototype by conducting a benchmarking campaign to evaluate the overall system’s performance under two distinct infrastructures, namely a private medium class server, and a private high performance computing cluster. Across the evaluation campaign, we considered the TPCC benchmark, a widely used benchmark in the evaluation of Online transaction processing (OLTP) database systems. Results show that SQLware was able to achieve 150 times more throughput when compared with the native replication mechanism of the underlying data store considered as baseline, PostgreSQL.This work was partially funded by FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., (Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology) within project UID/EEA/50014/201

    Improving the Scalability of DPWS-Based Networked Infrastructures

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    The Devices Profile for Web Services (DPWS) specification enables seamless discovery, configuration, and interoperability of networked devices in various settings, ranging from home automation and multimedia to manufacturing equipment and data centers. Unfortunately, the sheer simplicity of event notification mechanisms that makes it fit for resource-constrained devices, makes it hard to scale to large infrastructures with more stringent dependability requirements, ironically, where self-configuration would be most useful. In this report, we address this challenge with a proposal to integrate gossip-based dissemination in DPWS, thus maintaining compatibility with original assumptions of the specification, and avoiding a centralized configuration server or custom black-box middleware components. In detail, we show how our approach provides an evolutionary and non-intrusive solution to the scalability limitations of DPWS and experimentally evaluate it with an implementation based on the the Web Services for Devices (WS4D) Java Multi Edition DPWS Stack (JMEDS).Comment: 28 pages, Technical Repor

    Cache Serializability: Reducing Inconsistency in Edge Transactions

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    Read-only caches are widely used in cloud infrastructures to reduce access latency and load on backend databases. Operators view coherent caches as impractical at genuinely large scale and many client-facing caches are updated in an asynchronous manner with best-effort pipelines. Existing solutions that support cache consistency are inapplicable to this scenario since they require a round trip to the database on every cache transaction. Existing incoherent cache technologies are oblivious to transactional data access, even if the backend database supports transactions. We propose T-Cache, a novel caching policy for read-only transactions in which inconsistency is tolerable (won't cause safety violations) but undesirable (has a cost). T-Cache improves cache consistency despite asynchronous and unreliable communication between the cache and the database. We define cache-serializability, a variant of serializability that is suitable for incoherent caches, and prove that with unbounded resources T-Cache implements this new specification. With limited resources, T-Cache allows the system manager to choose a trade-off between performance and consistency. Our evaluation shows that T-Cache detects many inconsistencies with only nominal overhead. We use synthetic workloads to demonstrate the efficacy of T-Cache when data accesses are clustered and its adaptive reaction to workload changes. With workloads based on the real-world topologies, T-Cache detects 43-70% of the inconsistencies and increases the rate of consistent transactions by 33-58%.Comment: Ittay Eyal, Ken Birman, Robbert van Renesse, "Cache Serializability: Reducing Inconsistency in Edge Transactions," Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS), IEEE 35th International Conference on, June~29 2015--July~2 201