1 research outputs found

    Transaction Optimization in Rule Databases

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    f g ! ! ! LDL Cause Effect 1 Introduction ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; E. Bertino B. Catania G. Guerrini D. Montesi Transaction Optimization in Rule Databases bertino,catania,guerrini @disi.unige.it cause effect query update update query update update query query B 1 Bn H B 1 Bn INS 1 INS k DEL k 1 DEL t H INS 1 INS k DEL k 1 DEL t B 1 Bn H B 1 Bn In the tradition of declarative rules (which we will follow) the above rule is represented as . . . . A first version of the language has been implemented as part of a project at the University of Genova. This paper proposes an approach to transaction optimization in rule databases. It is based on a new technique to express updates in rule languages based on a non-immediate update execution. This technique is used to statically characterize some properties of the rules and transactions. Those properties are used at run-time to detect and remove redundant /complementary updates which are useless, hence increasing the efficiency of tra..