3 research outputs found

    Multifaceted 4D Feature Segmentation and Extraction in Point and Field-based Datasets

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    The use of large-scale multifaceted data is common in a wide variety of scientific applications. In many cases, this multifaceted data takes the form of a field-based (Eulerian) and point/trajectory-based (Lagrangian) representation as each has a unique set of advantages in characterizing a system of study. Furthermore, studying the increasing scale and complexity of these multifaceted datasets is limited by perceptual ability and available computational resources, necessitating sophisticated data reduction and feature extraction techniques. In this work, we present a new 4D feature segmentation/extraction scheme that can operate on both the field and point/trajectory data types simultaneously. The resulting features are time-varying data subsets that have both a field and point-based component, and were extracted based on underlying patterns from both data types. This enables researchers to better explore both the spatial and temporal interplay between the two data representations and study underlying phenomena from new perspectives. We parallelize our approach using GPU acceleration and apply it to real world multifaceted datasets to illustrate the types of features that can be extracted and explored

    Visualization of Feature Separation in Advected Scalar Fields

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    Scalar features in time-dependent fluid flow are traditionally visualized using 3D representation, and their topology changes over time are often conveyed with abstract graphs. Using such techniques, however, the structural details of feature separation and the temporal evolution of features undergoing topological changes are difficult to analyze. In this paper, we propose a novel approach for the spatio-temporal visualization of feature separation that segments feature volumes into regions with respect to their contribution to distinct features after separation. To this end, we employ particle-based feature tracking to find volumetric correspondences between features at two different instants of time. We visualize this segmentation by constructing mesh boundaries around each volume segment of a feature at the initial time that correspond to the separated features at the later time. To convey temporal evolution of the partitioning within the investigated time interval, we complement our approach with spatio-temporal separation surfaces. For the application of our approach to multiphase flow, we additionally present a feature-based corrector method to ensure phase-consistent particle trajectories. The utility of our technique is demonstrated by application to two-phase (liquid-gas) and multi-component (liquid-liquid) flows where the scalar field represents the fraction of one of the phases

    Visualization of Unsteady Flow Using Heat Kernel Signatures

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    We introduce a new technique to visualize complex flowing phenomena by using concepts from shape analysis. Our approach uses techniques that examine the intrinsic geometry of manifolds through their heat kernel, to obtain representations of such manifolds that are isometry-invariant and multi-scale. These representations permit us to compute heat kernel signatures of each point on that manifold, and we can use these signatures as features for classification and segmentation that identify points that have similar structural properties. Our approach adapts heat kernel signatures to unsteady flows by formulating a notion of shape where pathlines are observations of a manifold living in a high-dimensional space. We use this space to compute and visualize heat kernel signatures associated with each pathline. Besides being able to capture the structural features of a pathline, heat kernel signatures allow the comparison of pathlines from different flow datasets through a shape matching pipeline. We demonstrate the analytic power of heat kernel signatures by comparing both (1) different timesteps from the same unsteady flow as well as (2) flow datasets taken from ensemble simulations with varying simulation parameters. Our analysis only requires the pathlines themselves, and thus it does not utilize the underlying vector field directly. We make minimal assumptions on the pathlines: while we assume they are sampled from a continuous, unsteady flow, our computations can tolerate pathlines that have varying density and potential unknown boundaries. We evaluate our approach through visualizations of a variety of two-dimensional unsteady flows.Comment: Topic: Visualization, Topic: Heat Kernel, Topic: Flow Visualization, Topic: Heat Kernel Signature