4 research outputs found

    End to End Recognition System for Recognizing Offline Unconstrained Vietnamese Handwriting

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    Inspired by recent successes in neural machine translation and image caption generation, we present an attention based encoder decoder model (AED) to recognize Vietnamese Handwritten Text. The model composes of two parts: a DenseNet for extracting invariant features, and a Long Short-Term Memory network (LSTM) with an attention model incorporated for generating output text (LSTM decoder), which are connected from the CNN part to the attention model. The input of the CNN part is a handwritten text image and the target of the LSTM decoder is the corresponding text of the input image. Our model is trained end-to-end to predict the text from a given input image since all the parts are differential components. In the experiment section, we evaluate our proposed AED model on the VNOnDB-Word and VNOnDB-Line datasets to verify its efficiency. The experiential results show that our model achieves 12.30% of word error rate without using any language model. This result is competitive with the handwriting recognition system provided by Google in the Vietnamese Online Handwritten Text Recognition competition

    Improving Attention-Based Handwritten Mathematical Expression Recognition with Scale Augmentation and Drop Attention

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    Handwritten mathematical expression recognition (HMER) is an important research direction in handwriting recognition. The performance of HMER suffers from the two-dimensional structure of mathematical expressions (MEs). To address this issue, in this paper, we propose a high-performance HMER model with scale augmentation and drop attention. Specifically, tackling ME with unstable scale in both horizontal and vertical directions, scale augmentation improves the performance of the model on MEs of various scales. An attention-based encoder-decoder network is used for extracting features and generating predictions. In addition, drop attention is proposed to further improve performance when the attention distribution of the decoder is not precise. Compared with previous methods, our method achieves state-of-the-art performance on two public datasets of CROHME 2014 and CROHME 2016.Comment: Accepted to appear in ICFHR 202

    ConvMath: A Convolutional Sequence Network for Mathematical Expression Recognition

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    Despite the recent advances in optical character recognition (OCR), mathematical expressions still face a great challenge to recognize due to their two-dimensional graphical layout. In this paper, we propose a convolutional sequence modeling network, ConvMath, which converts the mathematical expression description in an image into a LaTeX sequence in an end-to-end way. The network combines an image encoder for feature extraction and a convolutional decoder for sequence generation. Compared with other Long Short Term Memory(LSTM) based encoder-decoder models, ConvMath is entirely based on convolution, thus it is easy to perform parallel computation. Besides, the network adopts multi-layer attention mechanism in the decoder, which allows the model to align output symbols with source feature vectors automatically, and alleviates the problem of lacking coverage while training the model. The performance of ConvMath is evaluated on an open dataset named IM2LATEX-100K, including 103556 samples. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed network achieves state-of-the-art accuracy and much better efficiency than previous methods.Comment: Accepted in ICPR202

    Pattern Generation Strategies for Improving Recognition of Handwritten Mathematical Expressions

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    Recognition of Handwritten Mathematical Expressions (HMEs) is a challenging problem because of the ambiguity and complexity of two-dimensional handwriting. Moreover, the lack of large training data is a serious issue, especially for academic recognition systems. In this paper, we propose pattern generation strategies that generate shape and structural variations to improve the performance of recognition systems based on a small training set. For data generation, we employ the public databases: CROHME 2014 and 2016 of online HMEs. The first strategy employs local and global distortions to generate shape variations. The second strategy decomposes an online HME into sub-online HMEs to get more structural variations. The hybrid strategy combines both these strategies to maximize shape and structural variations. The generated online HMEs are converted to images for offline HME recognition. We tested our strategies in an end-to-end recognition system constructed from a recent deep learning model: Convolutional Neural Network and attention-based encoder-decoder. The results of experiments on the CROHME 2014 and 2016 databases demonstrate the superiority and effectiveness of our strategies: our hybrid strategy achieved classification rates of 48.78% and 45.60%, respectively, on these databases. These results are competitive compared to others reported in recent literature. Our generated datasets are openly available for research community and constitute a useful resource for the HME recognition research in future