6 research outputs found

    An Improved Analysis of Training Over-parameterized Deep Neural Networks

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    A recent line of research has shown that gradient-based algorithms with random initialization can converge to the global minima of the training loss for over-parameterized (i.e., sufficiently wide) deep neural networks. However, the condition on the width of the neural network to ensure the global convergence is very stringent, which is often a high-degree polynomial in the training sample size nn (e.g., O(n24)O(n^{24})). In this paper, we provide an improved analysis of the global convergence of (stochastic) gradient descent for training deep neural networks, which only requires a milder over-parameterization condition than previous work in terms of the training sample size and other problem-dependent parameters. The main technical contributions of our analysis include (a) a tighter gradient lower bound that leads to a faster convergence of the algorithm, and (b) a sharper characterization of the trajectory length of the algorithm. By specializing our result to two-layer (i.e., one-hidden-layer) neural networks, it also provides a milder over-parameterization condition than the best-known result in prior work.Comment: 30 pages, 1 figure, 1 tabl

    On the Global Convergence of Training Deep Linear ResNets

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    We study the convergence of gradient descent (GD) and stochastic gradient descent (SGD) for training LL-hidden-layer linear residual networks (ResNets). We prove that for training deep residual networks with certain linear transformations at input and output layers, which are fixed throughout training, both GD and SGD with zero initialization on all hidden weights can converge to the global minimum of the training loss. Moreover, when specializing to appropriate Gaussian random linear transformations, GD and SGD provably optimize wide enough deep linear ResNets. Compared with the global convergence result of GD for training standard deep linear networks (Du & Hu 2019), our condition on the neural network width is sharper by a factor of O(κL)O(\kappa L), where κ\kappa denotes the condition number of the covariance matrix of the training data. We further propose a modified identity input and output transformations, and show that a (d+k)(d+k)-wide neural network is sufficient to guarantee the global convergence of GD/SGD, where d,kd,k are the input and output dimensions respectively.Comment: 26 pages, 1 figure. In ICLR 202

    Algorithm-Dependent Generalization Bounds for Overparameterized Deep Residual Networks

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    The skip-connections used in residual networks have become a standard architecture choice in deep learning due to the increased training stability and generalization performance with this architecture, although there has been limited theoretical understanding for this improvement. In this work, we analyze overparameterized deep residual networks trained by gradient descent following random initialization, and demonstrate that (i) the class of networks learned by gradient descent constitutes a small subset of the entire neural network function class, and (ii) this subclass of networks is sufficiently large to guarantee small training error. By showing (i) we are able to demonstrate that deep residual networks trained with gradient descent have a small generalization gap between training and test error, and together with (ii) this guarantees that the test error will be small. Our optimization and generalization guarantees require overparameterization that is only logarithmic in the depth of the network, while all known generalization bounds for deep non-residual networks have overparameterization requirements that are at least polynomial in the depth. This provides an explanation for why residual networks are preferable to non-residual ones.Comment: 37 pages. In NeurIPS 201

    A Convergence Theory Towards Practical Over-parameterized Deep Neural Networks

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    Deep neural networks' remarkable ability to correctly fit training data when optimized by gradient-based algorithms is yet to be fully understood. Recent theoretical results explain the convergence for ReLU networks that are wider than those used in practice by orders of magnitude. In this work, we take a step towards closing the gap between theory and practice by significantly improving the known theoretical bounds on both the network width and the convergence time. We show that convergence to a global minimum is guaranteed for networks with widths quadratic in the sample size and linear in their depth at a time logarithmic in both. Our analysis and convergence bounds are derived via the construction of a surrogate network with fixed activation patterns that can be transformed at any time to an equivalent ReLU network of a reasonable size. This construction can be viewed as a novel technique to accelerate training, while its tight finite-width equivalence to Neural Tangent Kernel (NTK) suggests it can be utilized to study generalization as well

    Generalization Guarantees for Neural Networks via Harnessing the Low-rank Structure of the Jacobian

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    Modern neural network architectures often generalize well despite containing many more parameters than the size of the training dataset. This paper explores the generalization capabilities of neural networks trained via gradient descent. We develop a data-dependent optimization and generalization theory which leverages the low-rank structure of the Jacobian matrix associated with the network. Our results help demystify why training and generalization is easier on clean and structured datasets and harder on noisy and unstructured datasets as well as how the network size affects the evolution of the train and test errors during training. Specifically, we use a control knob to split the Jacobian spectum into "information" and "nuisance" spaces associated with the large and small singular values. We show that over the information space learning is fast and one can quickly train a model with zero training loss that can also generalize well. Over the nuisance space training is slower and early stopping can help with generalization at the expense of some bias. We also show that the overall generalization capability of the network is controlled by how well the label vector is aligned with the information space. A key feature of our results is that even constant width neural nets can provably generalize for sufficiently nice datasets. We conduct various numerical experiments on deep networks that corroborate our theoretical findings and demonstrate that: (i) the Jacobian of typical neural networks exhibit low-rank structure with a few large singular values and many small ones leading to a low-dimensional information space, (ii) over the information space learning is fast and most of the label vector falls on this space, and (iii) label noise falls on the nuisance space and impedes optimization/generalization

    Optimization for deep learning: theory and algorithms

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    When and why can a neural network be successfully trained? This article provides an overview of optimization algorithms and theory for training neural networks. First, we discuss the issue of gradient explosion/vanishing and the more general issue of undesirable spectrum, and then discuss practical solutions including careful initialization and normalization methods. Second, we review generic optimization methods used in training neural networks, such as SGD, adaptive gradient methods and distributed methods, and theoretical results for these algorithms. Third, we review existing research on the global issues of neural network training, including results on bad local minima, mode connectivity, lottery ticket hypothesis and infinite-width analysis.Comment: 38 pages of main body; 5 pages of appendix; 12 pages of reference