3,451 research outputs found

    Surprises in High-Dimensional Ridgeless Least Squares Interpolation

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    Interpolators -- estimators that achieve zero training error -- have attracted growing attention in machine learning, mainly because state-of-the art neural networks appear to be models of this type. In this paper, we study minimum β„“2\ell_2 norm (``ridgeless'') interpolation in high-dimensional least squares regression. We consider two different models for the feature distribution: a linear model, where the feature vectors xi∈Rpx_i \in {\mathbb R}^p are obtained by applying a linear transform to a vector of i.i.d.\ entries, xi=Ξ£1/2zix_i = \Sigma^{1/2} z_i (with zi∈Rpz_i \in {\mathbb R}^p); and a nonlinear model, where the feature vectors are obtained by passing the input through a random one-layer neural network, xi=Ο†(Wzi)x_i = \varphi(W z_i) (with zi∈Rdz_i \in {\mathbb R}^d, W∈RpΓ—dW \in {\mathbb R}^{p \times d} a matrix of i.i.d.\ entries, and Ο†\varphi an activation function acting componentwise on WziW z_i). We recover -- in a precise quantitative way -- several phenomena that have been observed in large-scale neural networks and kernel machines, including the "double descent" behavior of the prediction risk, and the potential benefits of overparametrization.Comment: 68 pages; 16 figures. This revision contains non-asymptotic version of earlier results, and results for general coefficient

    Connections Between Adaptive Control and Optimization in Machine Learning

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    This paper demonstrates many immediate connections between adaptive control and optimization methods commonly employed in machine learning. Starting from common output error formulations, similarities in update law modifications are examined. Concepts in stability, performance, and learning, common to both fields are then discussed. Building on the similarities in update laws and common concepts, new intersections and opportunities for improved algorithm analysis are provided. In particular, a specific problem related to higher order learning is solved through insights obtained from these intersections.Comment: 18 page

    Towards an Early Software Estimation Using Log-Linear Regression and a Multilayer Perceptron Model

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    Software estimation is a tedious and daunting task in project management and software development. Software estimators are notorious in predicting software effort and they have been struggling in the past decades to provide new models to enhance software estimation. The most critical and crucial part of software estimation is when estimation is required in the early stages of the software life cycle where the problem to be solved has not yet been completely revealed. This paper presents a novel log-linear regression model based on the use case point model (UCP) to calculate the software effort based on use case diagrams. A fuzzy logic approach is used to calibrate the productivity factor in the regression model. Moreover, a multilayer perceptron (MLP) neural network model was developed to predict software effortbased on the software size and team productivity. Experiments show that the proposed approach outperforms the original UCP model. Furthermore, a comparison between the MLP and log-linear regression models was conducted based on the size of the projects. Results demonstrate that the MLP model can surpass the regression model when small projects are used, but the log-linear regression model gives better results when estimating larger projects

    Sobolev Acceleration and Statistical Optimality for Learning Elliptic Equations via Gradient Descent

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    In this paper, we study the statistical limits in terms of Sobolev norms of gradient descent for solving inverse problem from randomly sampled noisy observations using a general class of objective functions. Our class of objective functions includes Sobolev training for kernel regression, Deep Ritz Methods (DRM), and Physics Informed Neural Networks (PINN) for solving elliptic partial differential equations (PDEs) as special cases. We consider a potentially infinite-dimensional parameterization of our model using a suitable Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space and a continuous parameterization of problem hardness through the definition of kernel integral operators. We prove that gradient descent over this objective function can also achieve statistical optimality and the optimal number of passes over the data increases with sample size. Based on our theory, we explain an implicit acceleration of using a Sobolev norm as the objective function for training, inferring that the optimal number of epochs of DRM becomes larger than the number of PINN when both the data size and the hardness of tasks increase, although both DRM and PINN can achieve statistical optimality


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    Software development involves several interrelated factors that influence development efforts and productivity. Improving the estimation techniques available to project managers will facilitate more effective time and budget control in software development. Software Effort Estimation or software cost/effort estimation can help a software development company to overcome difficulties experienced in estimating software development efforts. This study aims to compare the Machine Learning method of Linear Regression (LR), Multilayer Perceptron (MLP), Radial Basis Function (RBF), and Decision Tree Random Forest (DTRF) to calculate estimated cost/effort software. Then these five approaches will be tested on a dataset of software development projects as many as 10 dataset projects. So that it can produce new knowledge about what machine learning and non-machine learning methods are the most accurate for estimating software business. As well as knowing between the selection between using Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) for attributes selection and without PSO, which one can increase the accuracy for software business estimation. The data mining algorithm used to calculate the most optimal software effort estimate is the Linear Regression algorithm with an average RMSE value of 1603,024 for the 10 datasets tested. Then using the PSO feature selection can increase the accuracy or reduce the RMSE average value to 1552,999. The result indicates that, compared with the original regression linear model, the accuracy or error rate of software effort estimation has increased by 3.12% by applying PSO feature selectio
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